MimiSS 🍉 Profile picture
she/her || 25 || 🔞 MDNI || ADHD || MDZS ❤️ Wangxian || Author of "3 Paths to Love" || pfp by @yllzsexc
May 31, 2023 71 tweets 12 min read
I want older WANGXIAN!!

image LSZ is a man, fresh out of college and in a new city at his new job!

LWJ misses him terribly, but they talk every week. LWJ will update LSZ on their bunnies, shufu, and LXC and LSZ will tell him about his friends and his "work dad" ((And link to the top since this is becoming a looong boi))

Apr 22, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
I do love me some time travel/incense burner type action, but consider:

Modern Immortal WWX switching places with Current post-canon WWX
WY groans as the sun floods the room, trying to reach for an extra pillow to shield his face, but what he comes across is more like a stiff block. In fact, the blanket feels thinner, and the mattress is /hard/. Blinking his eyes open, his eyes darts across the room. It's... familiar. But he's lived in so many places, they all get muddled up now.

The door slides open and WY sits up, gaping at LZ
Sep 6, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
#WangXian Modern AU
WY didn't know how his and LZ's friendship led to them sharing kisses. Well, he did remember the first kiss...
but now it's normal??
Don't get him wrong, it was amazing. A greeting kiss, a goodbye kisses, the little pecks they shared made his heart sing The first time they kissed was when they celebrated their first anniversary of rekindling their friendship.

(they met in highschool and were certainly not friends -? lost contact in college -> met again in the big city and WY wasn't gonna let him go this time!)
Sep 5, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
How about some modern AU where #wangxian were (are) secretly dating but then LWJ goes off to college while WWX stays behind cause he can't afford it.

Queue one-day LQR going into town and seeing WWX dangerously on a ladder fixing a store sign. LQR marches over and scolds him ((I know LQR&WWX week is over but doesn't mean it's gone!))
Jul 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Neurodivergent Wangxian where no matter how many friends WWX makes, he can only really be himself around LWJ

With others, he's always gotta be the loud, eccentric one. But with LWJ, he /can/ be over-active, or he can crash i̶d̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶L̶W̶J̶'̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶p̶ or he can allow himself to hyper-fixate on anything without worrying if he's ignoring LWJ

I love the idea of them being childhood friends and learning they were nd together.
Apr 9, 2022 33 tweets 5 min read
🔪After LP burns down, WWX, JC and JYL find LWJ.

It was a fluke, a mere coincidence. But it saved their lives.

LWJ was also on the run after CR burned down and found an abandoned storage house. He takes them there. JYL has a fever and JC is unmoving. LWJ is also injured But he helps where he can. While WWX goes to get supplies, LWJ manages to stop JC from going back (and losing his core)

In a few days, they're all recovering. WWX even cracks jokes that get a response from everyone.

Then one day, while doing chores, WWX tells LWJ,
Jan 4, 2022 605 tweets >60 min read
How about some modern #dadxian ❤️

The first time LZ meets his neighbours is two days after moving in, when the moving truck arrives. LZ is standing on the porch of the modern bungalow, ensuring the movers handle the boxes with care. The California heat is blaring, but the summer breeze carries the scent of oranges from the orange trees many of the residences have in this suburban neighbourhood. It's peaceful here, nothing like New York. Or London. Or Shanghai.