Ibrahim Qazi Profile picture
Sep 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Roundup of Dr Atif Mian’s podcast with @Shehzad89:

1- Follow Socratic Methodology
2- Pakistan is not a poor country
3- Pakistan’s elite is unproductive
4- Pakistan’s women are discriminated
5- Under 5 mortality is 115,000 per annum which is negative marker on per capita income 6- Investment is 50% low as it should be
7- Exports are 50% low due to unproductive elite
8- Pakistan has a skewed and unequal process of development involved in Land brokerage and rent seeking
9- Pakistani elite mints illegal value by seeking Govt incentives in real estate
Sep 29, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Indishell is an Indian black hat hacking group most likely affiliated with Hindi Intelligence who had breached over 200 websites of Govt of Pakistan in past. A Pakistani hacker “N3t.Cracker” had avenged this cyber attacks. PM Modi’s twitter handle was also hacked. Indishell registered itself on breached.to in August 22 that appears to be a decoy of Indian Black Hats for selling/using 8 GB worth of Data leaked through HUMINT/moles in PM House by using recording devices or cell phones.
Sep 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If the cipher existed then why National Security Committee that included Spy Masters and top brass of the Armed Forces as well as the Ambassador in question did not verify the PM’s assertion. The Chief Justice also didn’t act and gave verdict against Deputy Speaker of NA. After 9/11 President Bush called “Gen Musharraf to ask him if Pakistan was with US or against it?” why would Donald Lu, a diplomat at State Dept be able to hatch a conspiracy while counterparts of Pentagon and CIA in Pakistan refused to accept such an assertion of PM.
Sep 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Imran Khan’s conversation with PS to PM Azam Khan leaked whereby Ambassador Asad Khan advised Foreign Office to issue a demarche to US Embassy in Pakistan against Donald Lu’s communication while PS to PM Azam Khan suggested to put Foreign Secretary on the spot to cook conspiracy. Azam Khan well before the ouster of Imran Khan approved for himself a position in the world bank while having no financial experience and violating the merit. He is servant of the state but in this leak he conspires with Prime Minister to spoil Pakistan’s relations with USA.
Aug 26, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
5 people were stuck in Kohistan floods for 4 hours while PTI’s Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mehmood Khan did not send Helicopter for rescue despite several requests. The location was 90 minutes away from the Helipad in Peshawar. Unfortunately all of them died. RIP #VictimsofKohistanFloods
Aug 24, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Imran Khan has challenged the military that it cannot keep the country united. If Army was capable enough than East Pakistan wouldn’t fall in 1971. He was boasting about PTI to be the only federal party having the ability to draw national power through its cadres. #Flashback: Here is a speech by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman who was once leading the Pakistan movement and supported Madar e Millat Fatima Jinnah against Gen Ayub finally laying the foundation of modern Bangladesh. The grandson of Gen Ayub is now an electable of Imran Khan.