Mistress Matisse Profile picture
Perverse prolific profane political pansexual polyamorous dominatrix and writer. Mainly #sexwork, but also: founder @Velvet_Swing cannabis-infused sex lube
Apr 8, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
A story: When I was a very young adult woman, just starting to dabble in sex work, I met an older dominatrix who had worked in a big domme house in New York in the 50’s and 60’s. BDSM was WAY more taboo then, so most of the guys had - some inner conflict, about their desires. 1 She said, “Right above the bench we used for strap-on scenes, there was a hidden shelf, with a baseball bat. Because sometimes, if a guy got fucked up the ass and came really hard? Then after, he gets mad at you, because you just made him gay, and so he may get violent with you.”
Apr 7, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
OF COURSE he did I wish this did not have to be said but: being pegged does not mean that you are gay, gentleman. Being pegged just means that you like your ass to be stimulated. And as long as you’re not a conservative politician who’s being a hypocrite, there’s nothing wrong with that. 🌟
Feb 5, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
I mean, aside from anything else: tying someone up and then *leaving them alone* as part of the scene, as way to induce fear? That’s so stale, so FAKE. If a domme doesn’t have the talent to really SCARE someone she’s there in the room with? She’s probably in the wrong business. I’m not judging nobody I’m just saying, from my own point of view
Sep 20, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Or - here is a radical idea - you could stop fucking trying to codify patriarchal control over women’s bodies into the legal system 🤡 “A whole separate supreme court just to decide on when women are allowed to have a medical procedure on their own body” GREAT IDEA wow so progressive and forward-thinking 🙄🙄🙄
Jan 7, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
@heroinebook So, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you wrote this? washingtonpost.com/health/nonprof…
And we need to talk about it. Because it is just made of NOPE. #sexwork @heroinebook First of all, I'm surprised to see someone happily extolling the practice of taking people's DNA nonconsensually, and then giving it to police (! ! !) so they can covertly track potentially vulnerable women without their knowledge. Medically! That is not ever a good thing. No.