Author, ecologist, educator, science comms. Ex journo. Cancelled for telling the truth. Here for science, social & environmental justice. 📚: @AlexMorssAuthor
Sep 18, 2023 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
I was told to sign a gagging order or walk when I was offered work by the @bbc - a non disclosure agreement (NDA) to silence me from ever speaking out or writing about anything that went on behind closed doors at the BBC. I refused. I pointed out things like this. I was told to sign up for silence or walk. I walked.
The media industry is full of this attitude
#BBCTypes & more widely #Yummy #MediaTypes who sign up to put their career in a toxic workplace above integrity.
It’s not just the abusers who are the problem,
All those BBC staff faces & voices beamed into your homes - unless things have changed recently they will have all signed up to silence any questionable or unfair goings on at the BBC, including abuse.
Apr 23, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Campaigners say there have been 100,000 people in London protesting about climate change this weekend. And yet #TheBigOne is invisible across all bar 1 mainstream media front pages & so far totally ignored by the @BBCNews app, BBC Twitter & BBC Instragram accounts.
Here’s a selection of what ‘national news’ the BBC decided was more newsworthy of sharing with its millions of Twitter followers in the last 48 hours than fighting to save millions of human lives and one million species from extinction.