Michael Sanderson Profile picture
ExDir of MACo, we represent County governments and their front-line public services for all Marylanders. #WeAreMDCounties
Jan 23, 2021 20 tweets 5 min read
I’m disappointed that @MDCounties is going to miss a bill hearing, and a pretty big one, this year. Not something that happens often. But weird scheduling quirks compel it. The 2021 session really requires a “waiting week.” I’ll lay out my case. #MDpolitics #MDGA21 …1/x The bill is #SB496, the Governor’s RELIEF Act, doing multiple things amidst the wake of the COVID crisis. A billion dollars, we hear. Lots for businesses and families. Some will affect county governments, even retroactively. We’re a stakeholder for sure. …2/x
Oct 15, 2019 42 tweets 11 min read
I'll use this thread to keep a "tally" of the required county contribution under the Kirwan Formula Workgroup Plan today. It stands at $1.35B under the draft thus far. We all expect the details to change today, but unclear on ripple effects. DLS doc: dls.maryland.gov/pubs/prod/NoPb… On page 5 of that document, see the $8,051m column for current law mandated spending, and then the $8,995m column. That's NOW versus (draft) FULL KIRWAN in FY2030. However, it's understated significantly...