Olayemi Olurin Profile picture
🇧🇸🇳🇬Movement Lawyer + Political Commentator. subscribe to Olurinatti on YouTube and substack
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Jul 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I just saw that ignorant, transphobic video Jess Hilarious put out and ENOUGH! Cis women are not the only people who experience menstruation, so do trans men and non-binary ppl, but it’s irrelevant because your womanhood is not threatened by the inclusion of others. And if you didn’t see her ignorant ass video, here it is for reference. She of course put it on Instagram where that kind of transphobia could go unchecked. Between this and Jess’s history of extremely xenophobic takes, she needs to stick to comedy and educate herself
Apr 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Which is wild when you consider the fact SHE ASKED ME to appear on TYT because everyone else wasn’t nice enough to them when they started to pivot to being the mayors of copaganda, just like SHE attacked me out the blue to make her name trend. She needs to be serious. This is a thing they do, they start fights and create controversy hoping it makes people tune into their show where they pretend to casually address their made up issue. Stop using me for engagement, dont sub me, dont @ me because I’m nice to everyone until they play w/ me.
Mar 31, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
Me being against choosing a man who made you his second choice… but also me thinking zack and bliss are perfect together. They are in sync, cute lil weirdos #loveisblind Watching Jackie find every way to do everything but just say she doesn’t want to be with Marshall. It is very annoying to watch her put Marshall’s perfect lil self thru what’s gonna end up being heartbreaking for him #LoveIsBlind
Dec 25, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
I knew it in my bones this professor was a creep! #BestManTheFinalChapters I feel Robyn… but also, I really don’t. Maybe I’m just very career oriented but I’m like my God the man is doing both as best he can. I always thought she was too whimsical #BestManTheFinalChapters
Oct 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Rikers was declared a human rights crisis last year when 16 people died, which was the deadliest year in Rikers history since 2013. Last night, a man was found hanging, making him the 17th death just this year and surpassing last year’s deadliest death toll. Rikers must close
Sep 29, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
THIS IS INSIDE RIKERS. You can see people covered in feces they’ve been left in for 9+ hours, you can see men locked in shower stalls that have been turned to cells. You can see the men carrying an unresponsive man in search of medical attention ImageImageImageImage This is inside the units where people are housed. This is inhumane, this is evil, this is deliberate, and it’s been being done to Black and brown New Yorkers since 1932. 31 people have died since last year, WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH?! ImageImage
Sep 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I just started the new episode of #HouseOfTheDragon and I already see I’m about to be hating alicent HEAVY. How you gon ask a woman for her baby moments after she give birth Alicent is a different kind of hater son
Aug 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Blocking doesn’t make anyone a grifter, it’s about protecting one’s peace. No one is obligated to absorb any negativity, harassment, hate, criticism, or just plain annoyance ppl want to dish out just because it’s twitter. I will block someone for even mildly annoying me if that’s how my spirit moves me. The first person I’m extending grace is myself, not strangers who wanna be pains in the ass on twitter
May 5, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
This is a documented lie from hell. A thread addressing Eric Adams many lies, fearmongering, and abuse of the people: Bail reform has been a success and this continued campaign of lies is tiring
Feb 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
For Black History Month, I’ve decided to share a different Black author’s work everyday that you should buy and read: Idlewild was one of the first vacation destinations for the Black middle class in America, drawing tens of thousands of visitors annually and hosting the era’s premier entertainers, like The Four Tops, Della Reese etc. This book by Ronald Stephens (right) has all the history ImageImage
Nov 4, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
Judges and prosecutors continue sending ppl to Rikers despite a declared state of emergency and human rights crisis. Now, @NYCMayor has reauthorized forcing ppl into solitary confinement without due process. These are the 14 people this inhumanity has killed this year: JOSE MEJIA MARTINEZ. 35 years old. Sent to Rikers on a parole violation for allegedly stealing a single beer. He was sick and in his cell begging for help and medical attention but the officers refused, and instead told his cell mate to walk him to bed. He died Image
Oct 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
If I knew when I came to America at 15 that I’d be 28 years old with a work visa capped at 6 years MAX and no path to citizenship despite having gotten an American high school diploma, BA, JD, and being admitted to the New York State Bar, I might not have come here America’s immigration system is as impossible as it is dishonest. The country markets itself to the rest of the world, international students in particular, as this melting pot filled with opportunity. Then we come here and end up with no mobility due to our immigration status
Oct 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Despite all my dramatics, it wasn’t so bad after takeoff. The view is amazing ImageImage I don’t know why I’m talking in past tense, I’m still on this plane and we shaking a little bit so scratch that, give me 15 minutes, I could still decide that this is terrible
Apr 22, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read
I think people think if it’s not headline news it didn’t happened so I’m going to start telling you about the Black people police killed that you didn’t hear about, maybe 1 a day so you understand the magnitude of a police state that kills so much we can: DION JOHNSON. He was shot and killed on MAY 25, 2020 by Arizona police officers while he was asleep in his car Image
Jun 26, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
A THREAD. @bala_nyc As public defenders we’re sharing our firsthand accounts of how officers lie to illustrate for you the reality of policing and why defunding is necessary. Join and share yours. #CopsLie #CopsLiesMatter. Here are a few of my stories: I represented a teenage boy who officers lied + said threw a Capri sun on the ground. They arrested him him for littering which is a violation and not a crime, they tased and beat him so many times he peed himself, was bleeding, had cuts running down his legs and couldn’t walk