Stacey Reiman Profile picture
Programmer, mom of 3 adorable kids, bilingual, pro-life, Catholic. Dabbling in graphics, special needs, & education apps. #asl #autism
Feb 3, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
My neighbor, just now:

"You guys are gonna take a terrible hit when you stop trying to stay safe. Your immune systems must be so weak by now. We got tired of not 'living our lives' & then got a cold for 2 months."

Me: "Yeah but didn't you guys have covid last year?" (cont) "You don't really need to keep getting SICK in order to stay healthy. That's total disinformation being spread by people who just want you to think that, so you ignore the risks.

As for us, we're still covid free, and don't plan to stop fighting it anytime soon."
Oct 21, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
My 15 yr old son does not want to mask at school anymore. He'll do it, for now. But it's coming at a serious cost.😩

A 🧵. He's this handsome, shy, athletic, motivated kid who is uber committed to JROTC.

Despite the odds of masking & being part time, he's flourished there.

But increasingly he feels freakish.
Aug 30, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Just back from first plane trip from Alaska to Atlanta, roughly 12 hours masking each way.

The trip down was a horrible experience, and I believe in masks 100%. Some thoughts and what we did to make the return better. 🧵 We used the Makrite Sekura on the way down, as they have shown to give the best seal, with highest breathability & no need for tape. They also sweat less. I decided to forego installing the SIP drinking valves w/ straws as I couldn't find any testing before out trip. Big mistake.
Jun 1, 2020 16 tweets 4 min read
Alaska's cases have undergone a huge uptick: from 0, to 14, to 27 in a day. Our governor encouraged a rapid reopening and is now pushing to eliminate our mandatory 14 day quarantine in favor of a far less reliable "test" done up to 3 days before arrival. Governor Dunleavy @GovDunleavy began using rhetoric weeks ago about "living with the virus" and "staying under healthcare capacity" rather than elimination or eradication. The opposite of New Zealand's incredibly effective playbook of stamping out the virus.
Mar 8, 2020 17 tweets 5 min read
Alaska is stalled out in the same misguided "economy first" mode that you've seen elsewhere. Rather than preemptive, proactive testing, they are hoarding tests for the inevitable onslaught, encouraging people to visit SEA and spend $$$$ on Iditarod events. #covid19 Another approach, if we had a governor willing to step up - would be to see the handwriting on the wall NOW. Understand that we could be in a unique position to slow down the spread here by proactively encouraging #socialDistancing - by closing schools NOW instead of later.