How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App the food shortages hit they’ll hit the poorest people first, and there’ll be tough talk about getting through it but yall have already let them make you complicit in culling the disabled, the poor won’t be a big fight, etc. these people talking about AI alignment, "how do we make AIs with values aligned with humans", and nobody out there saying "maybe we should pay people for training data" for instance. a client who has been so lost for so long, they built all these systems of thought and nothing is helping. don’t just tell you what happened, they do so in coded language. The exonerating tense, the passive voice, the way they fetishize American military violence. It’s in what gets covered and what never gets discussed. think that as of right now it is the official recommendation of this account that Autistic people actually stop seeking medical diagnosis. the "lack of an 'I'" reference point: that's a bug, not a feature. That's the identity trauma. That's what happens to us when we grow up in isolation because nobody around us can understand or relate to our authentic selves. "Myk how could this be dangerous? You don't own Autism. You have to be more open-minded, she's just asking us to be open minded."