Chase Wright (mysticryuujin.eth 🥐) Profile picture
Uncensored Ethereum Validator #28 - ShitcoinDAO - 🦇🔊 - Anti-Mass Adoption
Nov 25, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
So MetaMask says "Just don't use Infura" - so let's see how easy MetaMask makes it to "not use Infura".

Part 1 - Installation:

The first two screens are straight forward here. They seem to provide a clear privacy policy, that's good. ImageImage Let me open the extension manifest...Oh boy it's already sending "stuff" to Infura. I wasn't able to opt out of using Inufra yet. But there's no accounts yet, so, maybe it's not a big deal, it's just some blockNumber requests, some price feed? Image
Sep 23, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
1/ Why I won't be staking ETH at launch, a thread...

#Ethereum #eth2

Like many of you, I am excited for ETH2, the Beacon Chain, Phase 0, and everything that will come after.

I have participated in Onyx, Witti, Altona, and Medalla test networks.

I tried Prysm and Lighthouse. 2/ I ran the clients in docker on Windows, docker in Linux, and bare metal on Linux.

I've opened github issues against both clients multiple times. I even participated in the fuzz testing.
Aug 9, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I got myself a Galaxy Watch 3 and I thought I would play around with creating my own app so I could view the price of ETH on my watch.

So I downloaded everything, installed everything, and I go to run the Emulator only to find out that there's almost zero support for AMD CPUs Apparently the Tizen emulator relies heavily on Intel HAXM and without it, the emulator is just unbelievably slow. I've been trying to figure out why it won't boot for like an hour...apparently it will boot, eventually, if I just leave it long enough...
Jul 31, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
I thought I'd check out @Dharma_HQ, downloaded the app, got everything setup, added a debit card, went to deposit some funds and then the fun began.

1. They send me an SMS with a security code, but the entry box where I'm suppose to put this code, does not bring up the keyboard. 2. After I do some copy/paste magic to get the security code from text message to verification box and hit submit I get a big giant red X "Something Went Wrong"

Cool fucking product guys.
Jul 22, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Unboxing and First Impressions of @DCENTwallets Biometric Wallet...

1. Box is cool
2. No Refund if Seal is Broke is dumb as fuck
What if I receive it and it's broken? What if I open it and the device is defective?

3. It's battery powered AND has Bluetooth. I did not know that! 4. It came out of the box basically fully charged, yay.


6. Fingerprint Registration is easy...

7. Unclear how many fingerprints are registered or can be registered, but I'm sure it's in the FAQ somewhere.

8. Screen / Interface is nice
Jul 18, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Y'all want to see one of the top 10 stupidest things I've ever seen in my life on @Windows? Image I spent most of the day trying to figure out why my geth node, running in #Docker on #WSL2, wasn't syncing with the network. The hint was that I kept getting notifications that my system time was off. So, I started looking at my system time.
Apr 24, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
So the @smartthings integration with @IFTTT and @ecobee only works with "temperature drops below" and not "temperature rises above"

Ignoring the fact that it reports my temperature in F when it's actually in C, I still can't get it to trigger on the "above" threshold. Here we can see 2 identical Applets Image
Apr 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
So I keep getting this popup on my Galaxy S10+ regularly but it doesn't provide any details. I've hit add to exceptions like 5 times in the 2 months I've had the phone (always the same network, mine). It would be helpful if I knew the cause for for popup... Image It could be related to the fact that I use ESSID for roaming, but the fact the they don't tell you WHY this alert is triggering is so stupid.
Feb 20, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
About 8 months ago my wife and I got a new puppy. We thought it would be nice for our dog to have a sibling. My wife and wanted to protect her expensive rug in the living room though. So, we rolled it up and put it away until the new pup was potty trained. So, this is afternoon if come into the living room and my wife is cleaning up the area around the couch. She informs me that she wants to put the rug back because the pup has completed potty training (for the most part).
Jan 13, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
So apparently if you earn Platinum status with @AmericanAir you can select Premium Economy seats at no additional cost. However, if you do that, anyone can come in and buy your seat out from under you. As an individual who always selected and purchased Premium Economy this pisses me off to no end.

You see, I used to not have status, so buying a Premium Economy seat was what it was. Then I earned Gold, still bought Premium Economy.

In both cases, I got the seat I wanted.