Nathan Newman 🧭 Profile picture
Policy/activist/writer. @thenation @TheProspect @slate @DissentMag @monthly @nydailynews @theweek Teach criminal justice & research methods at CUNY
Sep 3, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
As Trumpian a story as you'd expect:

Drug kingpin-cop murderer who Trump pardoned as a personal favor for one of Don Jr's lawyers was convicted of domestic assault after strangling his wife. /1…
Image Another drug smuggler and money launderer was pardoned as a favor to Jared Kurshner's family /2 Image
Jan 14, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Note- this was made possible because of the labor accords that Pelosi and the AFL-CIO forced Trump to accept in the revised NAFTA agreement approved in 2019. Warren & others supporting that deal were on the right side. /1 Details here from last August's vote when they canceled the contract that had locked them into the old, corrupt union. /2… Image
Jan 2, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
That the chief White House correspondent for AP news is advocating Reagan-style union-busting reflects how empty the claims of "liberal media bias" really are.

Sure, liberal on a few social issues but rightwing on basic issues of economic power. Adding this thread about basic fact essentially no teachers unions are actually fighting reopening - so why is this top White House reporter calling for union busting?

Sep 4, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Ida cost $95 billion in one storm. If a terrorist did that much damage, we would be spending trillions EVERY year to stop any similar attack in the future.

But Manchin & media critics are nickle-and-diming every effort to fight climate change.… Not inherently a pacifist or anti-military or anti-police; stopping bad guys is needed. But relatively skeptical at their effectiveness in saving lives versus alternative investments in medical, education, anti-poverty and scientific programs.
Sep 4, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This mass death spiral coincided with media largely ignoring Covid as they spent weeks headlining supposed Biden mistakes in Afghanistan as GOP Governors sent children & teachers off to school, unmasked and unvaccinated. NY Times still leading with Afghanistan. Have to scroll down a few pages to get to "Hospitalizations for children sharply increase as Delta surges"

More people died YESTERDAY of Covid than civilian deaths due to Afghanistan war in all of 2020.
May 24, 2021 • 15 tweets • 8 min read
Teaching systematic racism becoming illegal in multiple states, so thread on its reality.

Start with key study finding in randomized experiment that white applicant WITH criminal record more likely to get job callback than black applicant without one. /1… Image Along with highlighting persistent CURRENT racism in hiring, study by Devan Pager emphasized overcriminalization hurt long-term job prospects of whites far less than blacks - for whom employment opportunities were obliterated by convictions. /2

Feb 24, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Hawley's proposal is insane from a policy perspective since it will encourage employers to LOWER wages in many cases & encourage a massive explosion of subcontracting & Uberization of the workforce to escape higher minimum wage JUST for those large firms. Image Since for every dollar an employer raises an employee's wages, they would lose 50 cents in wage subsidy, that amounts to de facto an additional 50% marginal tax rate.

Jack Kemp must be rolling over in his grave as Hawley postures as his "working class" successor.
Jan 16, 2021 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
Remember cars swarming Biden's bus in Texas at high speed on the highway, forcing the campaign to cancel events?

That was organized by a former police detective and one of the Capitol Hill insurrectionists /1… Threats like that throughout the campaign were normalized as Trump himself cheered the high-speed attempt to run the Biden bus off the road.

Trump was inciting violence in his supporters long before he lost the race. /2…
Jan 15, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
A $15/hr minimum wage will deliver far more to almost all working families than the difference between $1400 and $2000 checks.

That's the hard political lift folks should be mobilizing to around to get the GOP votes needed. I do not understand the obsession by some on the left on one-off individual checks.

Once people are back at work, full-time minimum wage workers could see up to a PERMANENT $16,000+ annual increase in pay from a $15/hr minimum wage.
Dec 15, 2020 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Apparently this guy had been paid $266,400 to make his original false claims of voter fraud - and violently tried to set up an innocent man to "prove" the voter fraud.

Gotta wonder how much more dirty money is behind "voter fraud" claims. /1… The group that funded this violent "voter fraud" guy is run by the former chairman of the Harris County (Houston) Republican Party- who held that job for 12 years until 2014. See link to "Liberty Center for God & Country" /2
Sep 7, 2020 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
Rhetoric that modern Dems "turned against labor" is completely backwards.

Thread from my new @alternet piece - with graphs - on how much more pro-labor modern Dems are than New Deal Dems. /1… Hey- New Deal Dems passed NLRA so they had to be more pro-labor than now, right? But that passed in bipartisan before explosion of more radical CIO union organizing - and GOP and chunk of New Deal Dem party rapidly turned against labor back then. /2
Aug 28, 2020 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Last night was first day of class (remote) on my Constitution and Criminal Procedure.

As always, students had almost no history on Reconstruction and zero on anti-Klan Acts of 1870s, despite those being basis of all federal lawsuits around police brutality. /1 And fact Reconstruction brought down NOT by 1876 political deal but by white terrorism beginning w mass murder at Colfax in 1873- and fact US Supreme Court created Jim Crow by gutting federal Reconstruction anti-Klan acts is unknown by students. /2

Apr 12, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
That this decision was made without a vote of the membership is why I'm not renewing my DSA membership.

I would bet if a full vote of the membership was done, members would endorse Biden to defeat Trump. But that won't be allowed. My post: DSA doesn't want to allow a membership referendum.

Replies: You're lying. We had a vote not to allow a membership referendum.


But makes as much sense as "Sure, most of us will vote for Biden, but we don't want the masses to know that."
Mar 5, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Bloomberg is nicely offering to outsource Biden's ground staff across country- which is Bloomberg doing leveraged buyout of DNC field operation, letting him influence who gets elected in every downballot race.

Warren & Bernie need permanent staff in place to counterbalance that. Honestly insane for progressives to pore hundreds of millions of dollars to parachute organizers into states for few months in election years, but not fund more permanent staff for orgs like Working Families Party and Center for Popular Democracy who Warren/Bernie partnered with.
Feb 21, 2020 • 18 tweets • 4 min read
Building an actual majority of delegates supporting M4A, a wealth tax & GND is 100% reason I've supported Warren.

It's profoundly anti-left that Bernie folks - and Bernie himself apparently - think getting nomination grudgingly based on a plurality is acceptable. A thread /1 Goal is not just electing a particular person (what #NotMeUS is supposed to mean) but building a movement around ideas that win the allegiance of the majority of the population. If we can't do that within Democratic Party, it's delusional to say we can do that nationally. /2
Feb 13, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
There is an insanity but also base revelation of ignorance by those attacking the Culinary leadership as "corrupt" or "business unionists" or whatever lefty cliche they want to pull out - given the historic importance of that local in modern labor movement. A thread /1 This is a local in the middle of the desert, in a right-to-work state that has organized one of the most diverse workforces in the country - and fought militant strikes to defeat mega-rich corporations, including the longest strike in US history. /2…
Feb 11, 2020 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Bloomberg is not just being racist here, he is lying (or at least is ignoring facts established by the judge in the case, Floyd v. New York which found Bloomberg's stop-and-frisk program violated the Constitution in its discriminatory application. Some facts /1 NYPD made 4.4 million stops between January 2004 and June 2012. Over 80% of these 4.4 million stops were of blacks or Hispanics- with 2.3 million frisks.

In 98.5% of 2.3 million frisks, no weapon was found, making whole thing a fishing expedition. /2
Jan 30, 2020 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
"Capitalism dumps its financial dead in corporate bankruptcy courts–-and Elizabeth Warren knows where the bodies are buried."

My take on why Warren has a more radical critique of capitalism than her left critics recognize. /1… Warren is decidedly on the radical side of democratically reshaping the economy BEFORE inequality grows, rather than the liberal side of just trying to build a safety net AFTER inequality runs riot to deal with the victims of an unequal economy. /2… Image
Jan 28, 2020 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Where the right wing has built its power on multi-year, even multi-decade strategies gaining power step-by-step from the courts to policy change, too many on the left can't even conceive of any horizon for action beyond a two-year election cycle. I got my first deep lesson on power analysis & organizing not from Saul Alinsky but watching Newt Gingrich- not the bloated caricature we see now, but the young firebrand in the early 80s plotting a ten-year strategy for taking control of the House, which I watched him do.
Jan 27, 2020 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Warren says she won't pass M4A in her first two years - which is why I support her for the nomination, since I like candidates who tell the truth that things worth fighting for take multi-year strategies. /1 Anyone saying M4A can be passed with the current configuation of Senators (GOPers plus Sinema/Manchin et al) are lying or delusional but what's needed is a clear strategy for marching towards to goal of M4A - which Warren has laid out. /2
Dec 30, 2019 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
One big media distorting attack on Warren is idea she was a conservative until late in life. Aside evidence voted for Carter in 1980, her first published law review was defense of interracial busing, reflecting progressive values early in her career.… Radical in Warren's 1975 article is recognizes "NORTHERN urban segregation" driven by suburbanization leading to "central city schools...inferior in facilities, student-teacher ratios and other educational advantages"- already worried about STRUCTURES of inequality.