Natalie Fertig Profile picture
Reporter @POLITICO covering weed, populism & the West 🌲 frequent words in @politicomag ✍️ roots in WA + CA ⛰️ Jesus fan |
Jul 14, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Hi quick media literacy on breaking news — maybe it’s helpful rn.

If you see a variances in coverage, there are many reasons for that.

1) outlets have dif. standards for how to address speculation on crime scenes (ie what to say ocurred before law enforcement confirm) 🧵 Image 2) newsrooms are scrambling on a summer Saturday and smaller newsrooms will often be slower to update because something like this has to go through multiple channels/checks and they don’t have as many bodies already online/up to speed.
Dec 3, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
My parents in recent yrs have taken to getting a national forest pass to cut down their own tree because tree farm prices have skyrocketed.

This year she tells me “our tree is a little bit different, we weren’t sure at first but it’s growing on us.”

The tree: Image The permit to cut down a national forest tree is $7.

I told her she got $7 worth of tree
Nov 17, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
🚨 Congress just passed its first marijuana bill.

@SenSchumer took the podium tonight to usher through the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act, which passed by unanimous consent.

The bill passed the House in July, and now heads to Biden's desk. The bill, which is the product of two separate medical research bills introduced by @repblumenauer and @SenFeinstein/@GrassleyPress, expands medical marijuana research and protects doctors who discuss mmj with patients.
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Really quick "how Congress works" moment: just because a bill has been introduced in Congress does not mean that it is a serious contender to be passed in any chamber.

There are **45** cannabis bills that come up in a basic search of the term in There's a bill that allows cannabis advertising.
There's a bill to clarify insurance laws for weed biz.
There's a bill to give weed biz SBA loan access.
There are -multiple- vets related weed bills.
There are -multiple- bills to federally decriminalize.
Nov 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
New #safebanking news: Sen @SteveDaines told me he is open to adding the HOPE Act as part of “safe plus” legislation that could be included in an end of the year package.

HOPE is the @RepDaveJoyce/@AOC bill that gives states $$ to expunge cannabis-related records. “We're open to some additions to [SAFE]. I think the HOPE Act is one,” Daines said. “But if it gets bigger than that, I think we're gonna have a problem.”
Nov 15, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday @AOC told me that she'll be talking about her HOPE Act at today's Oversight subcommittee hearing on #cannabis. The hearing starts in any minute and will be streamed here:… Ranking Member Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) just thanked Biden for his executive order looking at the scheduling of marijuana.
Oct 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Reminder that five states have adult-use/recreational marijuana legalization ballot measures on the docket this November: Arkansas, Missouri, North & South Dakota and Maryland. ICYMI: South Dakota voters approved legal rec weed in 2020, but the result was thrown out by the state Supreme Court for language that didn't fall within the state's constitutional purview for ballot measures.…
Oct 6, 2022 19 tweets 8 min read
🧵Thread: I've never received more statements from lawmakers, orgs, etc than I have this afternoon after Biden's weed announcement. I can't include most of them in what I'm writing but it's still interesting so here's a running thread of what I can find (this is non-exhaustive). Here is Washington Sen Patty Murray:
Oct 6, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Very very big breaking cannabis news out of the White House right now: Biden will be pardoning everyone with nonviolent federal offenses — a low number of people. But the biggest news is that Biden is asking the HHS Sec and the Attorney General to “expeditiously” review how marijuana is scheduled under federal law.…
Oct 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Researching a potential reporting trip to rural Montana and my hotel options are cabin, cabin, or ... cabin ImageImageImage This isnt what I meant when I told my friends I wanted to do an october cabin weekend
May 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵I spoke with @repblumenauer yesterday afternoon about the conference committee and chances for #SAFEBanking in COMPETES. Here are a couple things he said: About @PattyMurray making the weed banking bill a priority: “having her — as a member of the leadership — making such an impassioned pitch, I think is significant.”
Dec 7, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Trade groups are shifting their rhetoric a little on #SAFEBanking in the wake of Schumer and Booker pointedly prioritizing decrim legislation, noting here that it could "put wind in the sails" of broader decrim — which is a strategy some advocates like @NORML have embraced. The other strategy, embraced by Schumer/Booker and progressive groups like DPA, ACLU, CAP and more, is that passing banking would satisfy many republicans and big groups like ABA, who would then not push for or even be willing to come to a compromise on broad decrim.
Dec 7, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
Rules Committee hearing is starting. If you're planning to tune in, welcome to the dry policy discussions and monologues that make up the majority of my and every political journalist's life. Watch closely or you'll miss the action. You can stream here: Chairman McGoverns says they'll be talking about the NDAA -SECOND- so go like do some laundry or make some lunch if you haven't and check back in a bit.
Dec 7, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
For some reason, December 7 makes me miss my grandfather more than most other days of the year. he fought in WWII, in the Pacific, and we spent a lot of time talking about that in his final years. This is one of my favorite photos of him because he was always snarky til the end. This photo was taken at least a year after Pearl Harbor, when he was home on leave for a few days before shipping out into the pacific. He's in the middle — my grandma is to the left and his lifelong friend (my father's godfather) is to the right, with his wife.
Dec 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
For everyone asking if this NDAA is the final version or if there will still be conference/more amendment votes beyond the NDAA we see tonight: To reiterate: last concrete intel I had was Merkley last week said he didn't get it in the bill. Since then, all signs point to Schumer digging his feet in on this strategy. Most lobbyists/hill staffers I've talked to think it's unlikely the House fights super hard to keep it.
Dec 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
JFYI: Congress’ stopgap bill passage at the end of last week means DC will need to wait ~11 more weeks to find out if it can have a taxed and regulated adult-use cannabis industry. The Harris Rider was removed from the budget - but the new budget has to be signed into law for that deletion to go into effect.

It’s like when you are editing the code on a webpage, the page itself won’t update til you press “save”
Jun 10, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Me: "I work at POLITICO, I'm the cannabis reporter."

@BernieSanders: "You're the cannabis reporter?"

Me: "I'm the cannabis reporter."

Sanders: "Are you stoned right now?"

Me: "I am not stoned right now." Sanders: "Is that a requirement to be...?"

Me: "It's actually not."
Jun 9, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Annual reminder from @GavinBade and I that #cannabis is the nation’s most energy-intensive crop and that energy use — by indoor cannabis cultivation facilities, especially — is only going to grow now that all these NE states (NY, NJ, etc) have legalized.… Thanks @tweyant @renurayasam and the #POLITICOnightly team for having us!
Apr 2, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Journalists: don’t do this.

Don’t cite others’ reporting from four months ago as something new, just to get clicks. Especially if you cite them but don’t link them. It’s a dick move, and the reporters you are jilting lose respect for you (if that’s something you care about). No reporter is perfect (plz don’t assume I am), but there’s accidentally overlooking something... and then there’s blatantly leaving it out.
Apr 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Ok all, the New Mexico Senate is here for the #cannabis vote. We're looking at the final 100 feet of the marathon here — lets see what happens. Watch live:… If you're just joining us, this bill passed the House earlier today — it's all down to the Senate vote. The Senate was been the primary hurdle in 2020 and again has been this year.
Mar 31, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
NM Senate is taking up the #cannabis legalization bill that just passed the House. Watch here:… Sen. Candelaria just called out the legislative process for being racist against Ultra Health — the largest medical grower in NM, which has advocated for no caps on plant count.