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BBC Political Correspondent. Email Views all mine
Mar 23, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
NEW: Thread with some tweets from this morning’s lobby briefing with Prime Minister’s Official Spokesman No 10 says it is studying data on social distancing – like transport figures and shop footfall - to see if people are listening to instruction to stay 2 metres apart

PM’s spokesman: If we do need to take further measures we will not hesitate to do so and do so quickly
Oct 1, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Lots of discussion in last week abt an emergency govt to extend article 50 and call an election or referendum.

Labour insisting today Jeremy Corbyn should be PM. But having crunched the numbers again, extremely hard - maybe impossible - to see how that gets a majority (cont) If govt brought down in vote of no confidence, there's 14 calendar days for someone to show they can command a majority (if they can't there's an election, which would happen in November and after the Brexit deadline).... (cont)
Jun 19, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
THREAD: Just interviewed Rory Stewart about his Brexit plans. He has accused the other candidates of not explaining how they'd deliver - but how would he get the current deal through? First point - he thinks there is "literally no alternative". He has another pop at Boris Johnson saying: "It's like some man stuck on a zip wire - you can wave all the Union Jack's you want but you're not going anywhere".
Apr 26, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: Jeremy Corbyn boycotting state banquet during @realDonaldTrump state visit @realDonaldTrump Speaker John Bercow and Lib Dem leader Vince Cable have already declined invitations

Understand SNP unlikely to attend too.
Mar 1, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Morning. Was quite busy last night when #indyref2 piece went out on @BBCScotNine. Will tweet a few key points from it this morning. But @ me if you have any questions. Opponents of threads, look away now