I like philosophy and crypto. Earnest thoughts on #XRP and other IOV assets.
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Sep 27, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
1) Thoughts on Testnet vs Canary Network on Songbird. launch day:
A test network is a testnet. It's centralized and can be shut down at anytime. You also cannot test it with real data and the actual load it can handle since very few tx's take place...
2) On a testnet, you cannot test the full security of the system. It's impossible.
A Canary Network is a production ready network that acts like a playground. You deal with real money, you can test what you can't on a testnet, and you can do real stress testing and other things.
Sep 16, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1) No hype, this is actually really important.
With this upgrade, Hedera is basically integrating the Hyperledger Besu EVM (which is the EVM from IBM) that works the same way as the Ethereum EVM.
1) XRP is fast, cheap, green, decentralized, solves a multi-trillion dollar problem, has a robust community, has a world class company behind it, has the best chance of being adopted by central banks and large institutions, and is undervalued, bc of years of FUD.
2) We don't rely on memes. We don't rely on lies. We don't rely on hype or Robinhood traders, or the endorsement of one man or one company.
We will succeed because of utility, adoption, and real world value derived from necessity to facilitate the new financial world coming.
Apr 17, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Quick thoughts on Flare:
#Ethereum is isolated and cannot interact with the outside world. The only way to do that is via oracles like Chainlink. So the security is passed down to whatever oracle you use on your apps. But @FlareNetworks has native oracle support.
Therefore, any apps built on Flare can interact with the outside world NATIVELY.
This is the "beating heart of Flare".
This is what makes it truly unique.
Apr 9, 2021 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
1/14: @JoelKatz video about CBDCs and NFTs set off a lightbulb for me - and I think he revealed something very important that will dispel the false narrative that Ripple’s CBDC plan does not use XRP.
Also, I think finally figured out what the term "flip the switch" means.
2/14: First, he said this regarding CBDCs:
“Imagine every major financial institution in the world, able to settle every major fiat asset from compatible jurisdictions, down to a central banks ledger, in a few seconds… How is that not a very big deal?”
Feb 19, 2021 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
1/10: I want to share some thoughts on the recent interview with @RippleXDev VP James Wallace, specifically regarding the idea of a cloned XRPL for CBDC's and why this is rather genius and great for XRP.
No, it's not time for a thread, it's time, as @xrp_mami says, to f*ck faces
2/10: James mentions "a private instance of an existing decentralized ledger is a good way to go". I want to emphasis, before I go on, that this is not a secret ledger, nor a hidden ledger, nor a bad thing for XRP.
It is the way for XRP to have its cake and eat it too.