Nitin Meshram Profile picture
Internet, Technology, Programming, Politics, Justice, Prejudices, Economy, Intl. Rel and Politics, Religion when it discriminates. Blue Tick for all on Twitter.
Apr 13, 2023 25 tweets 8 min read
Ambedkar Jayanti Special 🥳🙏🏿🎈🧨👏🏾🎊

What is American Dream? 🎂

Why caste is not compatible with American Dream? ☠️

Why @HinduAmerican is a threat to the American dream? ⛔️

And President @BarackObama’s speech on American Dream at Knox College, Galesburg (25th July 2013) 🎉…… Transcript of Obama’s Speech:

That's why we don't call it John's dream or Susie's dream or Barack's dream or Pat's dream. We call it the American Dream. And that's what makes this country special, the idea that no matter who you are or what you look like or where you come from……
Apr 12, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
अदानी के खिलाफ एक दोषपूर्ण अभियान के कारण भारत की वैश्विक विश्वसनीयता और जनता के पैसे खतरे में हैं।… Image यह अभियान मोदी के अदानी के साथी होने और आदानी समूह के कंपनियों में जनता के पैसे के नुकसान के आभास से चलाया जा रहा है।
Apr 12, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
If @HinduAmerican is not defending Sundar Iyer, why is it thrilled when the case against @Cisco is voluntarily dismissed as withdrawn by the @CalDFEH? When every Hindu has a caste, how is caste not a part of the Hindu religion? There is no Hindu on Earth who does not have a…… The First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees the right to free exercise of religion, but it does not protect religious practices that violate other laws or harm others. Caste harms lowered down castes/people by Hindu religion and when Hindus practice caste, Hindus can’t……
Apr 12, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I have a question for @NPR and @BBC: When Twitter applied labels against Chinese and Russian news outlets stating that they were "state-affiliated media," what were you doing and why didn't you protest? If you don't agree with the proposition that state funding would affect editorial independence, then how would it affect the independence of Russian and Chinese state-affiliated media organizations? ImageImage
Apr 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Hello @OpIndia_com,

The statement in your report that says "dismissed after no evidence was found" is false and appears to be driven by malicious intent. Image I urge you to consider amending your article. The lawsuit in question was voluntarily dismissed by @CalDFEH, as is clearly stated in US Courts records, (possibly) to pursue arbitration.
Apr 12, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Dear @RahulGandhi and @MahuaMoitra,

I grew up in a village where we didn't have electricity, and after sunset, the whole village would be shrouded in darkness. During my 10th grade exams, I studied under a kerosene lamp. My nostrils would be choked up with carbon emitted by…… When I was 11 years old, India adopted free market policies and globalization in 1991. As a result, the Indian economy grew, allowing the government to increase spending on infrastructure and welfare projects.
Apr 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Justice Clarence Thomas is not the only example of judicial misconduct. It has become a norm in the modern world, and therefore, it is necessary to find a way to break the impasse regarding judicial conduct of judges and make progress to ensure justice.
Here are some suggestions…… Strengthen the Code of Conduct: The Code of Conduct for Judges should be strengthened to ensure that judges are held accountable for their behavior. The code should be clear and comprehensive, leaving no room for ambiguity.
Apr 12, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Campaign against #Adani sets dangerous precedent for public accountability and foreign investment in India and challenges India's Global Credibility:

A tweet thread🧵 Image The campaign is driven by presumptions of Modi's proximity to Adani and perceived loss of public money invested in Adani Group of companies.
Apr 11, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Big Victory for Anti-Caste Movement in California as @Cisco Adds Caste as Protected Category and Lawsuit Pursued Through Arbitration: 🎉🎈🧨

A thread of events🧵 @CalDFEH filed a lawsuit against caste discrimination at @Cisco.
Mar 12, 2023 17 tweets 1 min read
We must strengthen our democracy. We must put an end to the scourge of dynastic politics in our country. Unless we break the grip of dynastic political parties, we will simply replicate the old leadership in a new form, perpetuating an outdated system that serves the interests of few.
Mar 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Jai Bhim Telangana 🙏🏿

Several signs unfolding in accordance with historical patterns suggest that Telangana will soon have a government led by Ambedkarites. These signs include the upcoming inauguration of a giant Ambedkar statue alongside Buddha on April 14th, as well as the…… This is reminiscent of what happened in Uttar Pradesh when the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) was about to form a government.
Mar 10, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
Five reasons why Pakistani origin @RishiSunak could be the most dangerous man on Earth right now: A thread 🧵 and a must-read opinion by @Profdilipmandal:

1. He is against “वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्” - One Earth, One Family - One Future, G20…… 2. He is sealing off a small portion of land called the UK from the rest of humanity. He is utterly violating the following UN Laws on migration, refugees, asylum, citizenship by naturalization, and protection against forced eviction with impunity:

List of @UN laws

Mar 9, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Caste system poses a health pandemic threat, warns Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar

A thread 🧵 Caste has been responsible for preventing the spread of education and enlightenment among the masses. This has led to ignorance and superstition, which in turn has led to the spread of disease and ill-health.
May 12, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
How merit is a casteism in India?

President Narayanan in Nov 1998 while returning recommendations for judges made by Supreme Court Collegium without including SC/ST/OBC candidates, wrote on the file:

“It would be consonant with constitutional principles and the nation's social objectives if persons belonging to weaker sections of society like SCs and STs…are given due consideration. Eligible persons from these categories are available and their under-representation or non-representation would not be justifiable."

Whereupon, the CJI AS Anand responded
May 9, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Judge #Pardiwala who was at 47th seniority of all India Judges, trumped Chief Justices of all 25 High Courts.

But, his comparison with Bombay CJ, Dipankar Datta is most curious.

Datta & Pardiwala are born in same year, 1965. Datta in Feb & Pardiwala in Aug.

Datta was elevated as a Judge of Calcutta High Court at his 41 years in 2006 & Pardiwala at 46 in 2011.

Datta is a serving Chief Justice since last 2 years & few days in Bombay. In addition to being a Chief Justice, he is Senior by 5 years to Pardiwala with a good record & without controversy
May 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
जज पार्डीवाला के नियुक्ति से संविधान और आरक्षण के खिलाफ सुप्रीम कोर्ट से भविष्य में कोई बडा फ़ैसला आ सकता है. सावधान रहे!

क्या आप जानते है?

सुप्रीम कोर्ट में अयोध्या जजमेंट देने वाले सभी 5 जज पहली बार बिजेपी के वाजपेयी सरकार के दरम्यान नियुक्त किए गए थे. अयोध्या में राम मंदिर बनाना BJP का चुनावी वादा था.

सुप्रीम कोर्ट से अयोध्या जजमेंट देनेवाले पाँच जज इस प्रकार नियुक्त हुए थे.

हाय कोर्ट जज — नियुक्ति वर्ष

1. गोगोई - 2001
2. बोबडे - 2000
3. चंद्रचूड़ - 2000
4. भूषण - 2001
5. नज़ीर - 2003

इससे कोई यह कह सकता है की अयोध्या का फ़ैसला वाजपेयी सरकार
May 7, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Dalits are not hindutva foot soldiers for communal riots.

Let’s unravel the fake propaganda:

1. Dalits are themselves victim of Hinduism.

2. Dalit are locked up in a old battle with Brahmanism.

3. Dalits are mostly busy in their earning livelihood & young Dalits in studies. 4. Dalits are neither leader nor supporters of BJP & Congress. Those Dalits, who are leaders in those manuwadi parties, they don’t enjoy community support.

5. Dalits are in friendly relationship with Christian, Sikhs, Muslims & other religious communities because they don’t
Sep 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
You may argue that there are secular Brahmins and priestly Brahmins and if the latter do not take up the cudgels on behalf of those who want to break Caste, the former will. All this of course sounds very plausible. But in all this it is forgotten that 1/2 - Babasaheb Dr Ambedkar the break up of the Caste system is bound to affect adversely the Brahmin Caste. Having regard to this, is it reasonable to expect that the Brahmins will ever consent to lead a movement the ultimate result of which is to destroy the power and prestige of the Brahmin Caste ?