Nithin Sridhar Profile picture
Practicing Hindu. Speaker. Author of Six Books. Director & Chief Curator @advaitaacademy. Former Editor @IndiaFactsOrg. Writes on Religion, Culture & Politics.
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Dec 20 6 tweets 1 min read
The statement of Sri Mohan Bhagawat ji, (if true) is problematic, self-defeating, and an attempt to sideline rising of Hindu aspirations. 1/6 Image One, intent expressed that harmony should be built by ignoring unsavory aspects of past was precisely arguments that post Independent India's governments had adopted when they decided to whitewash history and feed young generation a distorted narrative of our history. 2/6
Sep 21 15 tweets 3 min read
1. People often ask me, how are Smritis relevant today. Who reads them, why are they needed. The current apacharam that has happened in Tirupati with Laddus being made with cow-fat is a good example where the utility of the Dharmashastras can be illustrated. #TirupatiPrasadam 2. Millions of devout Hindus have consumed these laddus made of cow-fat and are rightly worried about Papam incurred by such an action.

This is not the first time that Hindus have been placed in such dharma-sankata.
Sep 3 10 tweets 2 min read
1. The two fold goal of Veda is teaching about Dharma and Brahman. And when it says Dharma, it is primarily concerned with ritual practice of Yajna. 2. Physical performance of Yajna, therefore is at the very heart of Veda. And hence, the Mimamsakas have held that Adi-Yajnika as the primary framework for Vedic interpretation. Sayanacharya also adopted this for this very reason.
May 16 15 tweets 2 min read
1. Pursuit of Artha causes one to acquire wealth, resources, and prosperity.

Pursuit of Kama causes one to acquire pleasure derived from enjoyment of worldly objects. 2. Pursuit of Moksha causes one to acquire Knowledge of reality leading to freedom from all limitations, suffering, and cluthches of Samsara.

What does pursuit of Dharma lead to? What does an individual acquire by pursuing Dharma?

One word answer: Punya.
Jan 1 18 tweets 3 min read
1. In Manusmriti chapter 9, there is discussion about what the texts call Mahapatakas- great crimes that brings upon great Paapam (karmic demerit) to the performer and causes injury to society. These include murder, stealing, adultery, etc. 2. In this context Manu says that the perpetrators if they refuse to perform expiation, they must be banished after confiscating all their property. 

In this context, the text adds following verses:
Nov 14, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
1. Here is a thought:

Equality & Egalitarianism in all dimensions of socio-cultural life as ultimate ideal to strive for is particularly an idea of modernity that has its origins in the West. You don't find such ideas in ancient civilizations, especially in Hindu civilization . 2. This egalitarianism is different from Vedantic notion of oneness/nonduality which is a recognition of oneness (& not equality) of every jivatma as the ultimate reality all the while also accepting diversity and differences at worldly (Vyavahara) level.
Oct 10, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
My previous thread of #Manusmriti generated some interesting questions/observations. Here I list some with my response to it. 1/n Q1. Authentic version of Manusmriti is not available. What is available is interpolated by British.
A. This is not true. There is a native tradition of 1200 of commentarial tradition with as many as 9 commentaries on Manusmriti.+ 2/n
Aug 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Very interesting thread. Some observations.

a. The verse conceptualization of 'Dharmic Modernity' is misnomer. Dharma is that which perpetual, but also eternal. It emphasis continuity. Modernity by conception is a complete breakaway from the past. 1/n b. Even by keeping aside the conceptual issues associated with the phrase Dharmic Modernity, there is nothing really 'Dharmic' about the category 'Dharmic Modernists', many of whom are atheists or agnostics, have zero shraddha to Devata or Shastra, and often reject + 2/n
May 29, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
1. One of the biggest threat to Hindu practices in contemporary times is the so called 'Scientific Temper' which by its very definition and its ideological underpinnings is deeply problematic. Image 2. There is a big fad among contemporary Hindu society to tout Hinduism as being Scientific and this they believe is what differentiates Hindu dharma from Abrahamics.

Of course, it goes without saying this is a gullible position & will only end in dismantling of Hindu practice.
May 25, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
1. It gladdens my heart to know that 1947 was not merely a secular transition of power, but it had a ritualistic element in the form of #Sengol or Dharma-Danda given to the new head of Indian State accompanied by ritualistic performances. 2. For me this ritual establishment of Dharma-Danda (#Sengol) is more important than the establishment of independent, but secular state. However, the subsequent sidelining of it by putting in some museum under the heading of 'Golden Stick' though unfortunate is not surprising.
Feb 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1. I don't think that is a fair representation of the so called 'neo-trad' position. Rather there is a modern tendency to define Hinduism- its tenets and practices in terms of its distinction from/opposition to Islam and Christianity. This position is problematic.+ 2. One example, just because Christianity has a notion of revelation, it is automatically assumed, nay fanatically argued that no form of revelation can exist in other religions including Hinduism. +
Feb 7, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
1. I had previously mentioned how while Smritis enunciate 'What' of Dharma, Bhagavad Gita enunciates among 'How' of Dharma.
Here are some verses that clearly bring out the same. 2. [A] On What Dharma to be performed:
Manusmriti 1.2: May Thou, O blessed One, explain to us, in due form and in proper order, the duties of all Varnas and intermediate ones.
Feb 6, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
1. One of the reasons why Smriti guidelines are misunderstood is because we forget that those stipulations and prohibitions are from the standpoint of Dharma. However, on the ground, we have to take into consideration Artha and Kama as well. 2. Take for example, the Smriti position that the foremost Dharma for women that could lead to their overall wellbeing is Pativrata-Dharma, so much so that it is sometimes conflated with Streedharma.
Jul 30, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
1. Why should one practice Dharma as revealed by Sruti and Smriti? Why should one live a Dharmika live?

Manusmriti gives an interesting answer to this in Chapter 4. 2. Without causing pain to any beings, he shall, for purpose of obtaining a companion in other world, accumulate Dharma, slowly; just as the white ants accumulate the ant-hill.—(Manu 4.238)
Jul 11, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Gita vs Smritis

1. One argument one often hears from Hindus is, when we have Bhagavad Gita which also teaches Dharma, why do we need Smritis? 2. This question is not only a result of ignorance about what Gita says [16.24: scriptures (Veda, Smriti, etc.) are basis that determines what actions be performed & what be avoided] but also result of ignorance about core difference between Dharma Upadesha in Gita & in Smritis.
May 14, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
1. Adi Shankaracharya at one place writes "asampradayavit murkhavat upekshaniya"- those who are not learned in the teaching tradition are to be ignored as fools. 2. 'Sampradaya' here refers to 'teaching tradition' or the 'Guru-Shishya mode of transmission of knowledge'. This could be understood as an advice about how to approach and study Shastras. But that is not the only dimension here.
May 6, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
1. Abortion remains Adharma irrespective of context because it involves preventing a Jiva who was about to take birth from doing so. However, how it practically plays out is complicated. Some thoughts on this in this tweet thread. 2. When abortion is carried to save the life of the mother, then even though there is Papam involved in such abortion, in a larger scheme that was the Dharmic choice as the saving of the mother's life takes precedence.
Jan 27, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
@ramas_cal @RajivMessage 1. Only a Rishi who has direct knowledge of Veda can create Smriti. Smriti for Kaliyuga is already there (Parashara Smriti). No need for new Smriti. What is needed is the contextualization of Dharmic teachings to today's needs and solving contemporary problems+ @ramas_cal @RajivMessage 2. Essential principles of Dharma are eternal, only application part is time-context specific.Smritis speak of Drishtarthas(perceived by senses),Adrishtarthas (imperceptible) & Drishta-Adrisharthas. Only subjects of Drishtarthas are purely this worldly & context specific+
Jan 8, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
In this thread, I will be sharing my fleeting thoughts & reflections on random topics related to life, family, spirituality, etc. I will be using the hashtag #MyRandomReflections for this. Ahimsa as a personal virtue is almost impossible to practice without some degree of Titiksha. #MyRandomReflections
Jul 20, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
1. Are there historical elements in the Veda? If yes, how to reconcile this with Veda being Nitya and Apaurusheya? 2. My response: According to Mimamsa, Veda contains five kinds of statements: 1. Vidhi/Injunction 2. Nishedha/Prohibition 3. Mantra 4. Namadheya/names of rituals etc 5. Arthavada or sentences which amplify the message of Vidhi or Nishedha by praising them or denouncing them.
Jul 18, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
1. The problem with this tweet is multi-layered. While Pratyaksha is indeed considered as 'Jyeshta Pramana'- the Eldest of all Pramanas in tradition and hence is central to Hindu Dharma, below tweet can be described at best as a misrepresentation of what Pratyaksha Pramana is. 2. Pratyaksha refers to knowledge that is gained from the Manas-Indriyas-mind & senses. Contrary to modern theories of perception, Hindu Darshanas posit that Indriyas themselves go to objects and make the perception happen. Hence,Pratyaksha is Pramana- valid source of knowledge.