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jikook au author | mostly omegaverse🔞+| no translations❎ | jimi + koo♡
Jun 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
—The Alpha's Shadow
#jikookau a/b/o 🔞+

o! koo stuck out like a sore thumb in the village into which he was born. at a young age, his parents thought he was going to present as an alpha but when his 20th birthday passed, koo presented as an omega much to his father's dismay ImageImageImageImage —now koo was a real rebel at heart, instead of the following the beauty standards expected of him, koo got tattoos to decorate his arms & multiple piercings to decorate his ears and lips, this threw off alot of Alpha's that came to ask for his hand in marriage, even the village
May 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
—White Lotus #Jikookau 🔞+

pure blood witch prk jm got accepted into Arcane Institute of Magic as a legacy student which wasn't a suprise since both his parents were past students and had contributed alot to the growth of the institute, however he had also worked very hard to ImageImageImageImage keep his grades up in order to get accepted but people didn't know that side of the story.Almost everyone except the Slytherin club members seem to have a personal vendetta against him because of his bloodline & his parents' influential status in the wizarding community...
May 11, 2023 54 tweets 13 min read
— andromeda 🌌 #jikookau

Earth had been getting hotter and hotter in the coming years. The world's scientists predict that if the rising of the sea level doesn't kill humankind, the sun's burning ultraviolet rays could. In the year 2050,the UN declared that every country will ImageImageImageImage put forward a group of selected individuals to take on the world mission to look for a new planet that could sustain human life in the milky way galaxy or further.

Jeon jk, a junior environmental biologist had just gotten engaged to the love of his life, Park jm
May 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
— Mr Doctor🩺 #jikookau

jm is the head surgeon in one of the best private hospital in Seoul. It wasn't easy making his way up to that position, especially given his young age & only 5 years of experience but he had earned it fair and square & he was damn well proud of himself ImageImageImageImage so when the CEO lets him know that the youngest son of the chairman would be working as part of his team, jm is pissed off.
He had heard of jeon jk, the boy was practically raised with a silver spoon in his mouth & spent his father's money like it grew on trees. If there was one
May 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
— boyfriend for hire #jikookau 🔞+

jk ,the only son of one of Seoul's biggest conglomerate keeps lying to his mum that he has a significant other in order to avoid the dates she sets him on, that is until his mother invites him and his nonexistent significant other to dinner . ImageImageImageImage jm is an unpopular actor who stars in small roles that don't really give him recognition and pays him low income. when his good friend suggests that he take up jk's offer to be his pretend boyfriend for one night, jm really thinks it through before he finally says yes
May 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
—Thirteen Seven #jikookau
in a world where wolves are branded with their district numbers when they are born,o! jm from district 13 hides his 13 brand & tattoos a 7 ontop of it in order to get accepted into the prestigious United Lupine University....what he doesn't ImageImageImageImage know is that district 7 has a pack in the university and every wolf that goes to the university is expected to join it regardless of rank.
a! jk is suspicious of the new omega when he meets him although his pack mates tell him otherwise.
"He's wrong", his wolf whispers
Mar 27, 2023 149 tweets 88 min read
#jikookau ImageImage
Jan 7, 2023 187 tweets 36 min read
short au fully Commissioned by @/peaches⁷ 💜
Note: will be a written thread ☺️ Disclaimer ⚠️

This is a work of pure fiction. All characteristics of characters are the author's sole imagination and should'nt be spectated upon as real events.
—Remember to separate reality from fiction.
— don't read if you're uncomfortable
Dec 15, 2022 432 tweets >60 min read
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