Mark Kirstein Profile picture
@DAAD_Germany PRIME Fellow on non-#ergodicity economics #EE @LdnMathLab @mpiMathSci & Institute of Mathematics @UniLeipzig
Jan 10, 2021 10 tweets 6 min read
A nice example for #ergodicity in demography?

Inequality in life (literally!)

UK & US men life ~17yrs after retirement at 67
but US has 13.8% higher variability of age-at-death

by @AlysonVanRaalte, Isaac Sasson & Pekka Martikainen
@MPIDRnews @PopulationEU @DemographyNet Strong differences in Individual vs population impacts
Surprisingly, life expectancy is closely monitored, but life-span variation isn't
May 12, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
John von Neumann's take on #ergodicity economics
In this thread I interpret JvN's prescient analysis on the development of mathematical economics (esp. decision theory) after his death
Source: "The Mathematician" 1947
(see here…)
#EconTwitter #Mathematics JvN directs the readers' attention to the danger if a mathematical discipline moves farther and farther away from its empirical source or any empirical content at all.
He qualifies this if that researchers with an "exceptionally well-developed taste" could make this a success.