DevRel Lead @togethercompute. Shipping open source AI apps like & Tweeting about gen AI & my side projects.
Sep 25, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Announcing !
An open source wireframe to app tool powered by Llama 3.2 vision. Upload a screenshot of a simple site/design & get code.
100% free and open source.
Here's the GitHub repo! Also, shoutout to @YoussefUiUx for the great design.
150,000 people created accounts on roomGPT since I required accounts auth 4 days ago 🤯
Here's how I added auth and got the word out about roomGPT:
To add auth to roomGPT, I used:
◆ @nextauthjs for authentication with OAuth (Google)
◆ @neondatabase to store user info (name, email)
◆ @upstash redis to limit folks to 3 generations / day
My best performing side project so far! More details in the thread about cost & visitors.
Visitors are pretty distributed around the world which is cool to see.
Also saw it mentioned in a YouTube short and some articles on the internet already!
Mar 2, 2023 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
Announcing roomGPT!
Redesign your room in seconds with AI! 100% free and open source.
As promised, it's fully open source. Here's the GitHub repo!
Copy your current twitter bio & get improved variations using AI.
100% free & open source →
Powered by @openai and @vercel edge functions. This solves a very interesting serverless timeout problem for users on Vercel's hobby tier.
2 minute tutorial video coming soon about how I built this!
Jun 16, 2021 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Spent a few weeks learning how to build a search engine for content creators so I thought I'd share my knowledge.
Here's how to build a personalized search engine from scratch in 6 tweets using python, react & @supabase_io 👇
1/ Use Selenium (python web scraping & automation library) to scrape YouTube video info from a channel.
All you need to scrape is the video URL and video name.
Jan 16, 2021 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
The Naval Almanack by @EricJorgenson was one of my favorite books of 2020.
Incredible life and work advice from @naval distilled into 200 pages.
Here's a thread of my top 10 takeaways 👇
1. Build wealth
Wealth = assets that earn while you sleep. You won't get rich renting out your time.
Examples of wealth:
- Info products like courses/books
- Monetized YouTube / newsletter
- Owning part of a business
- Startup or Saas
Cassidy is an incredibly accomplished principal software engineer and a well known figure in the tech & web dev space.
Let's take a look at how she succeeded and break down her advice in 8 tweets. 👇
1/ Cassidy spoke at the white house and did a hackathon on a plane with well-known professionals in tech as a college student.
How did she do this?
She attributes this simply to asking. Cold email people asking for opportunities, network, and follow up.
Dec 9, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
A useful mental model for developer roles.
If you've ever wondered how different software engineering roles fit in together & where you fall in the spectrum, this thread is for you.
I break down @swyx's mental model on the different roles of software developers in 6 tweets.
First, here's a picture of the entire mental model (courtesy of @Coding_Career).
Let's dive into it by starting at the lowest level: the hardware layer.
Nov 15, 2020 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Time management from a dying professor.
When Randy Pausch, a renowned Computer Science professor, got cancer, he decided to give one last lecture on time management before he died.
These are my top 10 takeaways from his brilliant lecture. 👇
1. Focus on the highest value tasks & ignore/delegate the rest (see #4)
2. Strive for good enough to take advantage of the 80/20 rule, but make sure you do it right
3. "Finding time to do things" doesn't exist. You need to make time by actively choosing not to do something else
Sep 25, 2020 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
Reading through @kvlly's book, Start Freelancing Today, and it blew me away with how much actionable advice it has.
This is a thread of key takeaways as I go through the book.
1/ Specialize, Specialize, Specialize
Specialize in a niche instead of staying a general freelancer. This will allow you to:
- Be able to charge more
- Become better at what you do
- Establish yourself as a subject matter expert
Atomic Habits by @JamesClear is quite literally a life-changing read.
Here are my top takeaways in 8 tweets 👇
1. The motivation
We're often told that we need to make drastic changes if we want to change our lives, but what if we could achieve major transformations by making small tweaks to our routines?
Small changes consistently over time = huge change.
Sep 6, 2020 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
@dan_abramov’s overreacted article about the things he doesn’t know was a very refreshing read.
Here are my top 3 takeaways.
1/ You really don’t have to know everything.
Dan admits to not knowing modern CSS, TypeScript, most algorithms, docker, and serverless.
This helped me feel much better about myself and gave me more motivation to keep going.
Aug 26, 2020 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
Preparing for my first front-end dev interview in two days!
Here's a thread of what I'm learning & reading to prepare. (Any advice is welcome!)
Reading through @swyx's book, @Coding_Career - so much amazing advice about being a great developer!
This is a thread of key takeaways as I go through the book.
Key insight #1: Strategies for beginners
* Adopt a "No Zero Days" mindset or #100daysofCode
* Listen to podcasts to learn the lingo of developers
* Gamify the experience (make a roadmap and follow it)
* Understand the dev workflow (deploying, testing, builds...)
Aug 24, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Reading through @RandallKanna's book, the Standout Developer, and it's packed with great info!
This is a thread of key takeaways as I go through the book.
Key takeaway #1: Have a niche.
1. Learn about something specific and become good at it 2. Share your knowledge publicly (blogs/Twitter/YouTube) 3. Consistently provide value & become known as an expert 4. Apply to speak at conferences 5. Write a book on it
Aug 22, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
How I doubled my productivity: The 5 step process I've been using over the years to get stuff done.
1. Have a CLEAR goal for the day (Daily Highlight concept from Make Time)
2. Work in 25 minute chunks of time each with a singular task/goal, followed by a 5–10 minute break, and longer breaks after every 3–4 sessions (Pomodoro Technique).
If you get into a "flow" state, work longer than 25 minutes until you get tired.
Aug 22, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
A short but powerful story about success.
May, 2011. Recent college graduate Melanie got to thinking about her years of frustration on how hard it was to use tools like Illustrator and Photoshop to create flyers and graphics. (1/4)
To create a simple flyer, one would need to purchase these programs and overcome a steep learning curve with several hours of training.
“There’s got to be a better way”, she thought. Yet despite thoroughly searching for other products, she couldn’t find a good alternative. (2/4)