Vicky Smallman Profile picture
Former Blogger, current Mom. Shameless community activist and municipal politics watcher. she/her
Jul 31, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
So in my paid gig, where a portion of my work is to design and deliver labour education, we’ve been talking a lot about how to transition to online learning, as it seems unlikely we’ll be able to hold our traditional labour schools any time soon. It’s been a steep learning curve One of the things we’ve been wrestling with is the mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning - a big discussion as labour education is highly interactive and people often learn by doing/practicing
Jun 25, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read
Ok, Ottawa. Two years from now potential municipal candidates will be prepping for a summer of barbecues and festivals, warming up for a fall election. This is a great time for those folks who might be contemplating a run to start putting things in motion. #ottpoli So where do you start? First, with a lot of self-reflection. Ask yourself: why do I want to run? What is driving me? What is the difference I want to make in my community and my city?