Otis Profile picture
Inflation is theft, and it’s almost always theft from the poor. Fix the money problem, fix the world. #Bitcoin
Victor Pop Profile picture 2 subscribed
Mar 9, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1/10 For those that prefer to read this epic and spectacular takedown of @SimonDixonTwitt by @AlderLaneEggs as opposed to listening to it, here to go:

MARC (@AlderLaneEggs): But it could be a really big deal. And that’s all I’m trying to say, it could be a really big deal. 2/10 If digitization of securities is going to work, then —

SIMON (@SimonDixonTwitt): You know tZERO is not the only game in town, right? Do you know the story behind tZERO and Patrick Byrne and everyone?
Feb 19, 2023 36 tweets 23 min read
1/36 Dear @Aaron_Colodny of @WhiteCase, you made a “lemon” 🍋 statement towards me on the last @CelsiusUcc town hall, held Thursday, February 17, 2023, insinuating that the #CelShortSqueeze is what’s responsible for the manipulation of 2/36 CEL token, thereby justifying your $0.20 price, along with the Examiner's report. I certainly didn’t want to take the time on the @CelsiusUcc town hall to respond to your nasty comment, but I’ll do the response here in a tweet; this way you have my response in writing.
Feb 18, 2023 36 tweets 9 min read
1/36 All of you who are reading this and involved in the Celsius bankruptcy are here because of one thing: CEL token. If there was no CEL token ICO, none of you would be here and Celsius would not have gotten $30 billion in AUM; 2/36 there would be no "pie" to fight over. All of you in different buckets seem to relish the fact that it’s OK to punish the children for the sins of their parents. The CEL token holders are the most loyal people I know; down to this day they’re loyal to Celsius, to the chagrin
Feb 11, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1/8 @GaryGensler told the following lie to @andrewrsorkin:

“330 million Americans are our clients,” adding, “Kraken knew how to register, others know how to register, it's just a form on our website … And if they want to offer

coindesk.com/policy/2023/02… 2/8 staking, we're neutral, come in [and] register because investors need that disclosure.”That’s a boldface lie, & @GaryGensler knows it. They’re not neutral. What’s my evidence? @coinbase went in to the SEC to register their USDC Earn product and the SEC said it was a security.
Feb 11, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
1/24 The Midland Energy Contracts.

PPM acts as Celsius Mining’s power broker for the Midland sites and brokers agreements between Celsius Mining and retail electrical providers (“REP”). An REP buys electricity at

Pages 425-431 2/24 wholesale prices and sells it to the end user, acting as a middleman between the retail purchaser and the utility distribution company (“UDC”) that owns the wires that allow for energy transmission to the customer site. Under its agreement
Feb 11, 2023 33 tweets 7 min read
1/33 Luna Squares LLC
Luna Squares-Celsius Mining Hosting Relationship.

Celsius Mining secured hosting capacity from Luna Squares in early 2022 when Celsius Mining began having difficulty securing hosting capacity from Core Scientific. According to Celsius

Pages 417-424 2/33 Mining personnel, Luna Squares was an attractive hosting opportunity because Celsius Mining viewed Luna Squares as charging reasonable hosting rates and being competent at quickly and economically building out infrastructure for mining,
Feb 11, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
1/22 EZ Blockchain.

EZ Blockchain-Celsius Mining Hosting Relationship.

Between January and March 2022, Celsius Mining entered into three mining hosting agreements with EZ Blockchain. Together, these three agreements provided Celsius Mining with

Pages 410-417 2/22 approximately 35 MW of power— capacity for an estimated 10,785 rigs—over a term of 18 months at a variable rate. Celsius Mining turned to EZ Blockchain because, according to Celsius Mining, its business model involves identifying small
Feb 11, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
1/18 Deployment History.

Core Scientific deployed Celsius Mining’s rigs at six hosting sites located in Dalton, Georgia; Calvert City, Kentucky; Grand Forks and Marble, North Dakota; and Cottonwood and Denton, Texas. According to Celsius Mining, Core Scientific

Pages 404-410 2/18 provided all promised hosting capacity under Orders 1-4, 6-7, 9 and 1-A but failed to timely complete deployment under Order 10, missing contracted deployment deadlines in the spring of 2022 and failing to deploy any Celsius Mining rigs after May 2022.
Feb 11, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
1/27 Core Scientific-Celsius Mining Hosting Relationship:
Core Scientific was Celsius Mining’s first third-party mining host. Celsius Mining viewed its contract with Core Scientific as attractive because of its competitive—and what Celsius Mining

Pages 396-404 2/27 allegedly interpreted as fixed—hosting rate of approximately $0.056 per kWh of energy. Celsius Mining elected to purchase rigs through Core Scientific, in addition to procuring hosting services, believing it would benefit from wholesale
Feb 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 The Status Of Utility Payments.

Based on the Examiner’s review of Celsius Mining’s books and records, interviews of its personnel, and information provided by its vendors, the Examiner found that Celsius Mining has not paid

Pages 395-396 2/5 all of its utility and hosting costs—and in some instances disputes those charges. Figure 47 below details Celsius Mining’s outstanding utility and hosting charges. Celsius Mining has made prepayments to its hosts in the form of contractually stipulated
Feb 11, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
1/17 Celsius Mining’s Declining Financial Performance.

According to former Celsius Chief Executive Officer Alex Mashinsky, Celsius began mining Bitcoin to diversify its yield because Celsius personnel involved in strategic decision-making

Pages 391-395 2/17 saw mining as a means of generating significant returns. But as reflected in the discussion above at Part One, Section XI.D.1, mining returns have decreased significantly since Celsius Mining began its operations, and, in 2022, Celsius Mining’s financial
Feb 10, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1/10 Celsius Forms Celsius Mining And Begins Mining.

As explained at Part One, Section XI.D.1 of the Report, Celsius entered the Bitcoin mining market in October 2020. That same month, Celsius Mining began mining by contracting with a

pages 388-391 2/10 third-party to piggy-back off of that third party’s existing hosting agreements with Core Scientific, Inc., the entity that—through January 4, 2023—was Celsius Mining’s primary third-party mining host. Between December 2020 and February 2022,
Feb 10, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
1/25 Overview Of Celsius Mining’s Operations.

Bitcoin Mining Background: Bitcoin mining is the process of generating new blocks to be added to the Bitcoin blockchain. As detailed above, the Bitcoin blockchain maintains an unalterable distributed ledger of Bitcoin

pages 384-388 2/25 (“BTC”) transactions. A block is a collection of data that contains a timestamp and other information about recent transactions. Bitcoin miners assemble blocks of transactions in exchange for which they receive a “reward” in BTC. The following example
Feb 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 Part Three: Celsius’s Bitcoin Mining Utility Obligations:

Introduction: The Examiner was tasked with investigating the “current status of the utility obligations of Celsius’s Bitcoin mining business.” Her investigation revealed that Celsius 2/4 Mining, the entity under whichCelsius conducts its Bitcoin mining operations, is generally current on its utility bills (both those billed directly and those billed indirectly through third-party Bitcoin mining hosts) with two exceptions.
Feb 10, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
1/13 Crypto Assets By Type And Deployment:

As previously noted, Celsius did not adequately monitor its crypto assets or their deployment prior to the Freeze Report in May 2021. One of the purposes of the Freeze Report was to track

Pages 377-383 2/13 in one place all of Celsius’s crypto assets. The Coin Stats worksheet on the Freeze Report summarizes Celsius’s crypto assets and liabilities on a coin-by-coin basis. At all times, a significant portion of Celsius’s crypto assets was deployed and
Feb 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 Celsius Network (US)’s Financial Condition:

The Examiner also investigated what impact the migration may have had upon customers, and whether Celsius Network (US) would have been able to meet its obligations to them following the migration. The Examiner reviewed the 2/6 stand-alone financial records of Celsius Network (US) to evaluate whether she could reach a conclusion about its financial condition. As a result of the financial record issues identified above, the Examiner determined that at this stage the
Feb 10, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
1/14 Accounting For The Migration:

In connection with the migration, Celsius booked two sets of accounting entries transferring a total of $21.4 billion in assets to Celsius Network (US). The first set of accounting entries related to the $10.3 billion in crypto

Pages 372-375 2/14 customer assets that were deployed with third parties at the time of the migration. Rather than unwinding those deployments or substituting Celsius Network (US) as the counterparty, the deployed crypto assets remained with Celsius Network (UK).
Feb 10, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
1/17 The Migration:

From 2018 until the summer of 2021, substantially all of the assets or businesses of the Celsius group of companies ultimately would have been accessible to pay customer claims. Prior to the summer of 2021, all customer liabilities were 2/17 recognized at the Celsius Network (UK) level, which was the top-tier operating company and the direct or indirect owner of all other Celsius businesses and investments. As a result, Celsius Network (UK) directly or indirectly owned all of the equity in
Feb 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 CEL:

Celsius classified CEL as a Tier 1 asset, meaning it was essentially capable of being liquidated on demand. But Celsius management understood that Celsius could not liquidate or deploy its CEL as a means to fill the hole in Celsius’s balance sheet and Celsius

365-367 2/9 never meaningfully deployed CEL to earn yield or liquidated Celsius’s CEL holdings. Internal Celsius documents often referred to CEL as an “undeployed asset.” Mr. Perman explained that Celsius could not deploy CEL to earn yield because of “wrong way risk. The counterparty
Feb 10, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
1/16 Mining:

Some in Celsius’s senior management, such as Mr. Cohen-Pavon, believed that Celsius could address the hole in its balance sheet through an Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) or sale of its mining company, Celsius Mining, and other “non-balance sheet assets.”

361-365 2/16 As Mr. Sunada-Wong observed: “One of the huge structural problems we have is that we have a hole in our balance sheet, and that isn’t going to change unless the mining company gets a valuation.” Originally called Celsius Core LLC, Celsius Mining was
Feb 10, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
1/22 Coin Shortfalls And Customer Withdrawals:

Prior to the Pause, Celsius appeared to satisfy the withdrawal requests from the commingled pool of crypto assets under management. In some instances, however, between June 9 and June 12, Celsius directly used new

Pages 355-361 2/22 customer deposits to fund customer withdrawal requests. As previously explained in the Interim Report, Celsius processed customer withdrawals through what it referred to as the “frictional wallets,” or what Mr. Tappen described as “the company’s ATM.”