Nuclei by ProjectDiscovery Profile picture
Nuclei uses a vast templating library to scan applications, cloud infrastructure, and networks to find and remediate vulnerabilities.
Dec 6, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Big update! #nuclei just got a major update, adding URL Fuzzing and many new features 🧵

Release Blog ––…

Release CL ––…

Fuzzing Templates ––…

#hackwithautomation #dast #opensource #cybersecurity #bugbounty
May 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Subdomain takeover detection #OneLiners

- used command and details are in the thread.

#bugbountytips #security #takeover #detection Image - used command

subfinder -d -silent | dnsprobe -silent -f domain | httprobe -prefer-https | nuclei -t nuclei-templates/subdomain-takeover/detect-all-takeovers.yaml