Tony Roberts Profile picture
Digital Researcher. PhD in Digital Development. Founder @Computer_Aid co-Founding Director @BONDngo co-Founder @ADRNorg. Free typo with every Tweet
Jul 22, 2024 15 tweets 6 min read
"Digital Disinformation in Africa: hashtag politics, power & propaganda" is the only book dedicated to #disinformation campaigns across the continent. Edited by @phat_controller & @ghkare the book features 11 chapters on 10 countries by 10 African authors: A Short Thread ⬇️📢 Image The collected edition book "Digital Disinformation in Africa" is open access. Like all the books in this "Digital Africa" series by @ADRNorg it is free to download and distribute. You can download individual chapters or the whole book free using this link…
Sep 18, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
The Netflix film "The Social Dilema" provides a mass audience for critiques of social media surveillance but gives tech bros a platform to absolve themselves and no voice to the women scholars who have worked for years on these issues. @safiyanoble @ruha9… I liked the part in the film "The Social Dilema" where they pushed on past the simplistic slogan that "If the product is free then you are the product" to Lanier's re-formulation "the product is actually imperceptibly small and unconscious changes in your beliefs and behaviour".
May 30, 2019 12 tweets 6 min read
Top Ten Rules of Technology for Social Change: A Thread.
The 140 character version of what I'm learning and teaching
about technology for development and social justice.

#ict4d #tech4dev #ict4dev #civictech 1. Technology is not inherently good or bad; nor is it neutral
(Melvin Kranzberg 1985).