Philip Bell Profile picture
Professor of Learning Sciences fighting for a thriving, just world 🌿Settler on Coast Salish Lands 🌿@STEMTeachTools @ClimateEdTools @ACESSEproject @WAClimeTime
May 2, 2021 42 tweets 34 min read

Each day this week I'll post about one of 7 intersecting #SciEd equity projects including thoughts, resources, examples & open issues to explore. I encourage you to add to the 🧵 #NGSSchat #NGSS

Base Resource: Cover image of the linked r... 7 INTERSECTING #SciEd EQUITY PROJECTS
🌿Centering Racial Justice
🌿Meaningful Phenomena
🌿Multi-Generational Learning
🌿Cultural Pedagogies
🌿Supporting Diverse Sense-Making
🌿Disrupting Ableism
🌿Place-Based Learning & Ecological Caring

Background paper:… Image of 7 intersecting cir...
Feb 27, 2021 5 tweets 7 min read

Check out NEW @STEMTeachTools on how to promote #EnvironmentalJustice in #SciEd & #EnvironmentalEd through lens of Intersectional Environmentalism by centering…

BIPOC environmental:
🌿interests &
🌿futurities Title Card for the linked resource titled: How can environme As with all of our @STEMTeachTools practice briefs, you can get to the more polished PDF formatted version from the landing page of the resource. #NGSSchat #NGSS #SciEd

Here's the direct link for the new resource:…
Jan 10, 2021 53 tweets 49 min read
PLS RT & SHARE #NGSSchat #SciEd #TeachClimate

Excited to share the web site for the CLIMATE & ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN EDUCATION grad seminar I'm teaching with @jnprezzo this term. We'll share readings, resources & ideas based on our inquiry. #UWClimateEd… Course homepage that includ... The approach we are taking with the course is that of an interdisciplinary research group focused on education. We will collectively inquire, learn, imagine, design & share our thinking over the course of the term.

We invite you to follow along & join in through #UWClimateEd ImageImage
Aug 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
@drloriandersen Great wonderings! My take: (1) Given a PRACTICE TURN perspective on 3D learning, multiple ways of knowing directly relate to culturally diverse forms of SEPs in ways that overlap & extend beyond those of the Euro-Western sciences.

This takes us towards…
@drloriandersen (1 cont) But cultural perspectives go beyond epistemic practices—and open up into worldviews involving knowledge (concepts, models, etc), ethics, morals & values. Ontologies & axiologies all get enacted in activity—since there is only praxis as a result of the Practice Turn.
Aug 22, 2020 21 tweets 6 min read
Hey #NGSSchat

If we played the (somewhat serious) game of nominating important science & engineering practices missing from the carefully chosen 8 in #NGSS / Framework, one I would quickly nominate is NOTICING. NOTICING is an embodied & multi-sensorial practice. It is foundational to making sense of & shaping the natural-cultural world.

It supports wondering, pattern-seeking, systems theorizing, seeking relevancies, tending to relations, identifying political connections & the 8 SEPs.
Nov 2, 2019 27 tweets 8 min read
I will be posting #SciEd resources as part of #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth

The first is this @STEMTeachTools by Marissa Spang & @meganbang3 on creating inclusive learning experiences by making connections between Indigenous & Western STEM #NGSSchat #NGSS @STEMTeachTools @meganbang3