Joseph Robertson Profile picture
Executive Director @climate_civics; Principal @GoodFoodFinance; Founder @Geoversiv; newsletter:
Jul 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is naked corruption & delegitimizes the Supreme Court gravely. The damage will last for generations. Millions of people will suffer & die. Koch’s war on life & livability, his profiteering from mass destruction, is criminal in every sense.… Imagine knowing your own way of making money is so destructive & illegitimate you stage a decades-long campaign to eliminate basic rights & destabilize the underpinnings of democracy, just so you can do it with impunity, regardless of the harm you cause.
Jul 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Coal barons have had 50 years to get clean without ever doing more than lobby to keep polluting. The fundamental lie at the heart of the #WestVirginia ruling is that elimination of coal was an EPA goal; it wasn’t. The industry refused to stop polluting.… “In a dissenting opinion, justice Elena Kagan, arguing that Section 111(d) did in fact empower the EPA to act sweepingly against carbon emissions, suggested that the court’s majority was interpreting the law conveniently to suit its own priorities.”…
Jul 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
“Dobbs is not about restoring power to the states that was wrongly seized by the courts. It is about taking power away from individuals and giving it to government.”… “Dobbs strips decision-making from those closest to the moral struggle & most deeply invested… It gives that power to people & institutions… not directly involved. Then with shocking dishonesty Alito presents this as some sort of magnificent restoration of self-determination.”
May 26, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
@JohnCornyn If you’re interested in what we can do: Ban combat weapons & assault rifles, permanently; enact legislation to make arms traffickers at all levels personally criminally liable if they sell automatic weapons or any weapon without a waiting period, license & background checks. @JohnCornyn Call for an independent criminal investigation into the use of dark money from arms traffickers to coerce, threaten & influence elected officials to prioritize their profiteering from mass murder over the right of Americans to live free from terror & bloodshed.
May 24, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
In another shocking, anti-Constitutional & lawless ruling, the half-Trump Supreme Court majority finds Americans don’t have the basic rights against false conviction or extralegal execution we have all come to take for granted.… The gravity of this ruling cannot be overstated. The #1stAmendment says Congress shall make no law abridging the right to seek redress, but Thomas ignores this & cites a law he claims denies courts the authority to intervene in miscarriages of justice.
May 5, 2022 24 tweets 5 min read
Samuel Alito is attempting to use the power of the Supreme Court to erase the personhood of women in the United States. He is attempting to void the right to remedy & redress. He is declaring war on American democracy & the right of all Americans to be free from arbitrary abuse. When Alito argues that unenumerated rights are not protected by the Constitution. The #9thAmendment—which explicitly protects unenumerated rights—says Alito is absolutely unfit to serve on the Supreme Court.
May 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Samuel Alito, by writing this ruling, has taken the side of those who align with child rapists over their victims. He has affirmed his willingness to end women’s lives rather than save them by terminating a pregnancy they cannot survive… Any person who professes any kind of support for this perverse, inhuman “opinion” drafted by Alito is signing up to those same things: forcing a raped child to give birth & killing a woman who could be saved. Alito is also declaring his willingness to nullify basic human rights.
May 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This news, if true, is evidence of an extremist, anti-democracy takeover of the United States Supreme Court. For decades, wealthy interests have claimed their funding would “place on the Court” a group of judges bent on stripping away a Constitutionally protected right. The stripping away of this right is an overt act of cruelty toward women. By doing this, the majority joining this opinion also degrades the sanctity of the most basic human rights of every American, questioning whether any person can have sovereignty over their own body.
Mar 19, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
@atrupar The absolute moral decay of Fox News is beyond belief. Putin is a corrupt dictator who assassinates & jails critics, torments his fellow Russians & has been waging cyber war against the United States & our democracy, but Fox pays a fortune to “personalities” that cheer for him. @atrupar Also, when Hannity talks about “the media mob”, how can any person in their right mind not understand that he is more an example of that than virtually anyone? His nonstop harassment, defamation & zealotry seem very much like a strategy of radicalization & incitement.
Feb 13, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Trump lawyer Van der Veen gives reasons for acquittal:
1) jurisdiction
2) Rule 23 (each allegation as separate article)
3) due process
4) First Amendment
He doesn’t mention innocence as a possibility. #VoteToConvict On reason 1) Jurisdiction: The Constitution requires a Senate trial. Trump was impeached while in office, for actions committed while in office, so that question is moot. The Senate voted to recognized its jurisdiction & ALL 100 SENATORS swore to serve as jurors.
Feb 12, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Maybe Trump knew the likely result of his speech was violent insurrection bc 1) he had told the violent insurrectionists to “stand by”, 2) they had massed outside DC awaiting orders, 3) his team intervened to change the rally date to Jan 6, then 4) moved route to the Capitol... 5) he celebrated attempted murder when supporters tried to run a bus off the road; 6) he celebrated the invasion of the Michigan Capitol by armed insurrectionists; 7) he celebrated attempted kidnap & murder of the governor of Michigan...
Jan 11, 2021 21 tweets 6 min read
No one should use powers of office to influence campaigns; they should do what is right. But since ⁦@HouseGOP⁩ seem to think it would be too risky to break from #TerroristTraitorTrump, they should rethink their notions of future electability...… You cannot campaign as being for “law & order” if you don’t stand firm against Trump’s incitement of armed insurrection against the Constitution itself. You cannot call yourself a patriot if you don’t stand firm against the seditious conspiracy & ALL of its adherents...
Jan 11, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
The @FBI is warning of dozens of coordinated paramilitary plots connected to the Capitol insurrection, targeting DC & state capitals. We are in the midst of an ONGOING TERRORIST COUP PLOT. Any use of office that provides aid or comfort is unlawful. #14thAmendmentSection3 Trump worked for months to foment this insurrection in an effort, by his own words, to overturn the results of a free & fair election. ANY use of public office to provide him with any personal aid or comfort, in these circumstances, is unlawful. #18USC2384
Jan 11, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
If Bill Belichick accepts the Medal of Freedom from Trump after he instigated a terrorist insurrection, he opens himself, the @Patriots & the @NFL to potential liability for providing aid & comfort to a seditious conspiracy. #18USC2384 If Belichick goes ahead with the ceremony, the @Patriots should immediately announce his dismissal & the @NFL should initiate proceedings to bar him from any future association with the league. Records of any support for Trump-linked groups should be turned over to the FBI.
Jan 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Please share this: The attack on the Capitol was a terrorist attack, in support of a seditious conspiracy. With sedition, homicide & felony murder charges, participants could face 60+ years in prison. Anyone present who invaded the Capitol should voluntarily surrender to the FBI. There were explosives & other deadly weapons & evidence of a plot to kidnap & murder elected officials. Funding for the event, for the campaign of seditious lies that radicalized some attackers & for events where direct incitement occurred will be traced.
Jan 10, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
The first question in filing criminal charges against Trump for seditious conspiracy & instigating insurrection is: Would any of this have happened if Trump weren’t doing what he has been doing? The second operative question is: Did Trump actively & knowingly court the allegiance & mobilization of armed paramilitaries who later took part in or helped orchestrate the attack on the Capitol?
Jan 18, 2020 20 tweets 5 min read
Appeals court ruling dismissing youth climate lawsuit is founded on a logical incoherence: the Courts exist to redress grievances; the ruling says they are not empowered to do so. #JulianavUnitedStates #OurChildrensTrust… The US Constitution, the 1992 Climate Convention (a ratified treaty & so Constitutional law under Article 6), the Clean Air Act & THREE Supreme Court rulings require the federal government to protect Americans from avoidable danger. #JulianavUnitedStates #OurChildrensTrust
Oct 25, 2019 7 tweets 5 min read
@nytimes It appears Trump’s Attorney General is using his office to conduct a campaign of harassment & intimidation of US officials who have gathered evidence about crimes committed by Trump & his associates. @nytimes If the AG has conspired with the White House or any private lawyers, staff or associates of @POTUS, he would be engaging in illegal coordination to obstruct ongoing criminal & counter-intelligence investigations targeting Trump & his network.
May 6, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
@realDonaldTrump The economy is in a disasterously precarious situation, thanks to @realDonaldTrump. His Treasury Sec had to confirm the solvency of the 6 largest banks in the U.S. in December. 9 of 10 major asset classes made no gains last year. Investors are stashing wealth in cash. @realDonaldTrump These are signs of an imminent economic collapse. Meanwhile, wages remain stagnant, new hiring tends not to provide job security or significant advancement. & yet @POTUS wants to strip 20 million or more people of health insurance for no discernible reason.