Bei allem Unsinn, der in den letzten Tagen über den Terroranschlag auf die #Nordstream Pipelines verbreitet wurde, sollte klargestellt werden, dass die "Andromeda"-Version ein Märchen für Leute ist, die sich nicht für dessen Plausibilität interessieren. 1/…
Die Größenordnung der Explosionen und Menge des benötigten Sprengstoffs sind anhand der Aufzeichnungen von Seismografen nachvollziehbar. Das Resultat sind ca. 500 kg TNT-Äquivalent. 2/…
May 15, 2019 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
This is a remarkable post by @ewarren. The US military is the #1 polluter on this planet, hence making the connection to #ClimateBreakdown is hugely important. Yet, her framing of the issue remains strictly confined to questions of efficacy and readiness.…
It's a smart approach, when talking to those who accept US imperialism as a given. but there's also a paradox embedded here: The main role of the US military is to secure access to and control over fossil fuel, which will lose its strategic value in a world powered by renewables.
Nov 7, 2018 • 42 tweets • 13 min read
1/ #TexasSenateRace 1.4% of votes flipped by machines could have made the difference.The Hart eSlate machines have a bug triggered by “voters hitting a button or using the selection wheel before the screen is finished rendering”. Explanations given by officials are insufficient.
2/ The issue was known & had been entirely preventable by simply moving the senate race to a different position on the ballot, according to manufacturer and the TX sec. of state's office's explanations. That this wasn't done is highly suspicious, already. #TexasSenateRace