Parisa Kaliush Profile picture
Clinical Psych PhD student @UUtah. Repro Psych intern @UNC_SOM. Dev psychopathol, perinatal health, SITBs, sleep, trauma. She/Her. 🇺🇸🇮🇷⚽️
Jan 26, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Throwing this out there in hopes that someone can relate bc sometimes this experience is lonely and confusing …
I just went to apply for a #diversity training award and then stopped. Canceled my application. This is not the first time I’ve done this in my graduate career. 🧵 I am half Persian. My father fled to this country during the Iranian revolution w/ no money in his pocket. My mother is from Missouri. She and my father met, fell in love despite not speaking each others’ language, and eloped after 2 months of being together.