Rachel Stein Profile picture
Librarian@Latin American Library @Tulane. Dr of Latin American & Iberian cultures, focus on early modern Iberian empires & history of the book. views my own.
Aug 12, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I don't know who needs to hear this, but there are humans putting in a heck of a lot of work behind the research materials and databases you are using via libraries & archives. This labor is largely invisibilized & most are working on a shoestring budget & understaffed Materials can’t be digitized without humans being hired and payed to digitized them. Librarians are also constrained by adhering to copyright laws in how they can help you.
Jul 31, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
This is a thing of beauty. Big picture thinking and action guide I'd been needing. "Many of the above actions will take less than an hour and require less additional work than organizing a pod. Nonetheless, this might feel like too much to take on."/ "Think carefully about what you are capable of giving. A global pandemic calls for taking unusual measures, and sacrifices and adjustments to the lives we have lived, especially for those who are relatively privileged to be economically secure, able to work from home, and"
Jul 8, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Script to call your reps to protest the ICE int'l student policy (link and thread): docs.google.com/document/d/123… “Hi. My name is [name] and I’m calling for [lawmaker’s name]. I am a constituent of [district - replace with whatever your district is].
Jan 30, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Just sent off the draft of "'A Rare Opportunity in a Language Class': Bringing Material-Text Pedagogy to Spanish & Portuguese Instruction at The Latin American Library at Tulane" (tentative title) to be considered for an edited volume. Damn proud of myself for finishing a thing. It's honestly been a struggle to write since having a kid while writing the diss, then finishing the diss and being on the academic job market, and then getting a full-time library job that has me busy all 7.5 hours of the workday. I've often considered giving up
Oct 7, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Curious what librarians who daily/weekly teach college students research/info literacy skills have to say about this Atlantic article. I think the headline is misleading... theatlantic.com/education/arch… In my experience (just 1 year teaching as a librarian, but having seen more than 400 Tulane undergrads), MANY undergrads prefer digital to print b/c they were never taught to find books on shelves, they are intimidated by the stacks,
Oct 1, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Had a great library instruction session last week using postcards+travel guides in an intermediate-level Portuguese language & culture class. Wanted to share because it's easy&cheap to build a postcard collection for teaching and I think the session went great! (thread) We set up 5 numbered tables, each with a grouping postcards from a different city/region of Brazil and one Brazil travel guidebook. Students spent about 7 mins at each table, and rotated to work at each table throughout the class. We used a timer to keep them moving.
Jul 20, 2019 7 tweets 5 min read
"Have you ever heard an early modern compositor speak"? Toying with this as starting sentence of a book review I'm doing. Seriously though, #bookhistory nerds, what early modern texts were written by or transmit the voices of typesetters? (NOT printers/correctors) The book I'm reviewing is Pablo Alvarez's new edition and first-ever Spanish-to-English translation of Alonso Victor de Paredes's Institution, and Origin of the Art of Printing, and General Rules for Compositors [Madrid: ca. 1680] thelegacypress.com/paredes-printi…
Jul 25, 2018 15 tweets 3 min read
Para lxs que tengan paciencia, mi hilo sobre las licencias censoriales en DQI y DQII y por qué merece la pena prestarles atención! #Cervantes2018 1/A la 1a parte le falta la licencia impresa en los preliminaries de la obra. Del aparato legal del princeps sólo tenemos la tasa, el testimonio de erratas y el privilegio. Por alguna razón, la licencia no llegó a imprimirse, como era común y obligado por ley desde 1558.
Jun 8, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
"El ama..tornó luego con una escudilla de agua bendita...y dijo: Tome vuestra merced..rocie este aposento, no esté aquí algún encantador de los muchos que tienen estos libros, y nos encanten" ¿Era algo así lo que temían las autoridades que pasara en las Indias?#cervantes2018-> "Cédula que manda que no consientan que se lleven a las Indias libros de historias profanas: El Rey. Presidente y Oydores de la nuestra Audiencia, Chancillería Real de las provincias del Perú, nos somos informado...