Valeria Prorizna 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Ukrainian producer and director balancing between a white cube and a black box; programmer at KINOKO Film Festival. currently in Germany
Jan 12, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
I’ll put it into cultural, political & social context for you, @WorldPressPhoto

how exactly Russian photographer “well equipped” to judge the stories from the “region” if she has never seen war with her own eyes, unlike brave Ukrainian and international photographers? a lot of Russian attacks are a deliberate tactic, intimidating the media to limit coverage of the war in the media

@WorldPressPhoto, do you believe the person in Russia has a moral right to judge the work of my friends & colleagues like Svitlana?…

May 18, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
in my lifetime, I won't be able to complete the list of individuals who, in one way or another, lend their support to the fascist machine of Russia, which is hellbent on murdering me & my loved ones still, I continue to be astounded whenever someone I knew or admired adds their name to the list willingly, for everyone to see
Mar 29, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
>calls the Russian war Putin's
>uses the Ukrainian flag to boost sales of his book

again? again oh yeah, my favorite narrative is that the russians don't ACTUALLY support the war. they just produce weapons, they just go to occupied cities, they just don't believe in Bucha, they just go to kill Ukrainians, they just bully Ukrainians online. but it's not REAL real, you know
Nov 23, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
how do Russians steal and capitalize on Ukrainian culture? think about that the next time you go to a Russian restaurant in Berlin that serves borscht / varenyky / Kyiv chicken / halushki. these are all Ukrainian dishes, which they call Russian. Army food, Potemkin 🤦🏻‍♀️🤡 do you know where in Siberia they know the recipe for borscht? because Ukrainians were deported there. every time I pass by these Russian restaurants in Berlin, I want to break their fucking windows
Nov 23, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
обходьте @blackhatcoffee (в інсті) в Гамбурзі десятою дорогою, якщо ви там. і розкажіть за нормальні українські бізнеси / заклади в Німеччині

я знаю Drei Elefanten в Берліні, ми там поминки справляли. там дуже хороша власниця з України, яка евакуювала нещодавно свою маму ну нашо блять ви могли просто зробити українську кав‘ярню й хайпувати / донатити / створювати ком‘юніті, але нє, треба було притащити русню, бо українці не вміють дизайнити чи шо
Nov 23, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
нагадую шо найкраща реакція на тероризм — посилена допомога. хто закордоном при світлі та безпеці, давайте ефективно допомагати

пропоную простий флешмоб: скиньте по 5+ єврів Гаяне на генератори та мені на дрон. ну і поширте… а поки от привіт від Азову з окулярами, шо ми з вами разом купили Image
Oct 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
якщо шо, це у них там в антивоєнній тусовці реально дискурс шо вони патріоти / прапор ні в чьом ні віноват / Росія буде вільною (нє, не окуповані та пригноблені нею території та народи, не переплутайте). і це поки під цією тряпкою геноцидять вкотре людей. обожнюю якщо моя матушка в іншу країну вб‘є, зґвалтує та покаліче тисячі людей, то я її любити менше не стану. боже, матушка блять + знову ці описи Росії як якоїсь сутності без агентності, що ось щось з нею сталось і вона хвора. затвічено не з матушки, звісно Image
Oct 17, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
а прикиньте українцям прийти протестувати під іранські посольства по всьому світу з антитерористичними + слоганами іранської революції шо відбувається зараз. там де люди тупо готові вмирати, щоб боротись з режимом? а не плювати в лице мусульманам всього світу (і України)? 🤔🫣 вибачте, що я знаю багато іранців мусульман і ні, я з другої сім’ї
Oct 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
>продолжает взаимодействовать
>оно не разделено
>проблемы в режимах
+ бонусные від Медузи:
>официальный Киев

висрати стільки імперської хуйні в декількох реченнях це ще треба постаратись. іди рота помий, лауреат сцяний
Oct 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
do I understand correctly that any Russian soldier after a combat wound can pretend that he was against the war all the time and make a fortune? and Ukrainian refugees have to look at his face in bookstores? @AlbinMichel, you are genocide enablers. enjoy your bloody collaboration
Sep 29, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵“There’s a lot of Russians who are just like us: well-educated, affluent, English-speaking, creative-jobs-having, and very much cosmopolitan. Obviously, these Russians must be against the war, just as we are,” — that’s an unspoken sentiment shared by even the most pro-Ukrainian Europeans. Unfortunately, this sentiment is absolutely unfounded. “Civilised,” “globalized” Russians are no less likely to support the war.
Sep 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
it started. thank you for retraumatizing Ukrainian refugees. honestly, I don't want to live on this planet #visabanforrussians a Russian YouTuber who recorded a lot of threats and propaganda was spotted in a queue at the Georgian border. until recently he said with joy that Russia has enough missiles to kill all Ukrainians
Sep 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
чєл до останнього сидів в рашці, але тепер давайте допоможемо йому знайти квартиру в Берліні, де не можуть знайти житло біженки-українки та взагалі всі, бо у нього от стронг позиція по війни раптом намалювалась на фоні мобілізації берлінське товариство, тут фанат поїздок в Крим шукає квартиру в Берліні, щоб сховатись від мобілізації. це огидне їбало легко запам'ятати, пильнуйте там трохи)) на стендап зайдіть якось
Sep 28, 2022 19 tweets 18 min read
one of the largest font shops @ParaTypeNews belongs to Russians who profess fascist views and support the genocide of Ukrainians

Anna Yakupova, the CEO of Paratype, together with colleagues welcomes the annexation of the occupied territories

#NAFO👀 ImageImage I sound like a broken record but stop buying this is only Putin's war bullshit. here are young educated designers: they know English, they travel abroad and they are fascists

some are already fleeing because they value their lives. but not Ukrainian ones ImageImage
Sep 27, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
fellow #fellas & Ukrainians,

tonight's programme:

„short story about patriotic Russians, art not outside of politics and changing shoes on the run“

comedy in three acts!

main characters: Natalya Serkova and Vitaly Bazpalov, co-founders of Tzvetnik ACT 1

the main characters live in Russia. they curate exhibitions, travel abroad, write texts about art, have their own gallery and art school

— Nataly, should we do something about occupation of Crimea? is it war?
— no, I don’t care. what a wonderful bohemian life we have!
Sep 27, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
when the Russians occupied the Crimea, Klementyna was still in school. now my brave friend returned from Germany to Ukraine and joined Ukrainian Armed Forces

Klem needs gear. donate a few euros, please. make us a little bit closer to Crimea ❤️✊… Image продублюю рідною мовою, переклад довільний:

дошутились про берлінську ТРО. Клементина схарились від Німеччини вщент і в ЗСУ тепер на гарну людину більше. за Крим, за нас, за квір-Донбас — закиньте копійчину на снарягу. лишнє все піде спецвзводу «Сенека»… Image
Sep 26, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
so funny to watch @VaushV fans humiliate me for... screenshot of his calls for the murder of Azov soldiers?

I am a leftist Ukrainian woman. if you support Ukraine, you will not equate heroes from Azov with fascists

and you certainly won't wish them death. it's that simple sure, it is not easy to understand the political landscape of a country in another corner of the world

but it is not normal to wish death on people who defend their country & spread lies about them
Sep 21, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
🧵some of Ukrainian heroes are coming home & the best way to show them our gratitude is to pay back

in this thread, I will collect initiatives that help soldiers who returned from captivity & families of POWs and fallen soldiers

I encourage you to donate and share information Image @AzovstalFam
Families of Azovstal Defenders support fund

you can simply send money or become a project partner and give defenders the goods they need from your business (devices, hygiene products, clothes, etc.)

@saintjavelin, wanna join? 🥺👉👈 Image
Sep 18, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
tonight Russian fascists shelled Yuzhnoukrainsk, the city where the nuclear power plant is located. also explosions in Mykolaiv near my apartment. my old grandpa and mom are hiding. mom said that the sounds were so loud that she thought that apartment next door was destroyed twice tonight literally meters separated my loved ones from death. they live like this for months

how many sleepless nights does my family have to go through fearing that they will be killed by a missile or a nuclear catastrophe?

@iaeaorg @IAEANE @IAEAIEC @rafaelmgrossi
Aug 7, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
I am Ukrainian reacting to increasing threat & harm caused by @amnesty unprofessional report

people are aware that there is a war in the country and where the frontline are. the president, mayor and local authorities called for evacuation and organized free evacuations my mother was INSIDE when our apartment was bombed. I heard the explosions during phone call with her and heard her crying but fucking twitter expert knows better. and then her workplace was bombed too. and then bus stop, church, another bus spot, one and one and one