Public Knowledge promotes an open internet, accessible communications tools, and balanced copyright laws. RT's do not necessarily indicate endorsement.
Dec 21, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Today a #COVID19 relief package was introduced in Congress that includes provisions to help Americans access broadband -- or stay connected -- during the pandemic. 1/5
The bill provides $3.2 billion in broadband subsidies for low-income Americans and those financially impacted by #COVID19. It covers not only monthly service but up to $100 for use of a laptop, desktop, or tablet. 2/5
Dec 21, 2020 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Important piece today in @insidesourcesdc from @cmcsherr and @k_trendacosta on the CASE Act making its way into the must-pass end-of-year government funding bill, which Congress could vote on as early as today -->… 1/5
The #CASEAct creates an unaccountable "small claims" tribunal within the @CopyrightOffice, meaning it would be exempt from the regulations and procedures of the judicial branch. The tribunal would be allowed to assign damages of up to $30,000! 2/5