Dra Jara Juana Bermejo-Vega 🏳️‍🌈🐀 La Cuántica Profile picture
Quantum mama. Computer Diva. Activist. Cofounder @QTurnWorkshop @Athenea3i+@MSCActions+@canalUGR #Queer 🏳️‍🌈 #Trans 🔥 Ehpañola 💃 #MadeOfLove ♥️ she/ellas
Dra Jara Juana Bermejo-Vega 🏳️‍🌈🐀 La Cuántica Profile picture 2 subscribed
Aug 19, 2022 24 tweets 6 min read
Estoy tumbadísima en la cama con #SíndromePremenstrual (SPM) y me ha escrito otra #mujertrans que estaba igual y estaba asustada pensando que le estaba dando un chungo. A las mujeres trans nadie nos avisa de que podemos tener señores reglazos. Info práctica y recursos: 1. Deshabilito respuestas porque con este tema a las mujeres trans siempre nos acosa peña reaccionaria que piensa que necesitas un útero para tener el SPM. Paso de troles. Si queréis comentar constructivamente y no os sigo mandadme un mensaje privado.
Apr 13, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
This Friday April 16 10:30 CET at @canalUGR | We invite you to an #online #seminar with Laura García Álvarez @l_gar_alv on quantum simulations of fermionic models and continuous-variable quantum computation!

Join at meet.google.com/wmk-nsik-qyz The seminar is hosted by our Statistical Physics Group at the University of Granada. Follow our Youtube channel here: youtube.com/channel/UCzMYc…
Oct 25, 2019 15 tweets 6 min read
#QuantumSupremiority | The #Google Quantum Experiment is technologically impressive. However, the claims on Quantum Supremiority, verifiability, and the used terminology are problematic. Below 3 news articles: 1 by @electroweak, 2 by @elpais with myself & Porras, 3 with Cirac. 1. @Electroweak writes the best article I have seen on Quantum Supremiority in years. A necessary guideline to navigate the hype, and a must read before going to other news outlets.
Nov 14, 2017 24 tweets 8 min read
Day 2 of quantum advantage workshop at @InHenriPoincare, featuring Ashley Montanaro (@quantumashley), Juan Bermejo-Vega (myself) and Dominik Hangleiter. #LTQI We kick off with Ashley Montanaro @quantumashley, giving a tutorial about IQP circuits (IQP = Instantaneous Quantum Polynomial time) and potential for demonstrating superior quantum computational performance. #LQTI