Rachel Withers Profile picture
Freelance writer. Bylines @THEMONTHLY @SatPaper @Slate @voxdotcom @crikey_news
Lynie Profile picture 1 subscribed
Nov 25, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
People are retreating into their own realities here.

There are some in the media who genuinely believe, based on the particular cocktail of information they have consumed, that what happened on October 7 was a genocidal attack on Jews, who are entitled to the land in question 1/ There are some who believe that it was an oppressed people lashing out, crying out for the world’s attention, after having their land and freedom stolen.

Many believe something in between.

There’s no pretending you don’t believe *something* 2/
May 29, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
🧵 on probable new shadow treasurer Angus Taylor: Everything you need to know about the water buyback scandal
May 24, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Probable Liberal leader Peter Dutton, a — sigh — 🧵: junkee.com/peter-dutton-s…
May 24, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
As someone who wears an obscene amount of teal, I feel it is my duty to review the "teal" outfits worn by the Liberal moderate-killers on election night (this being far from the most important thing about them, but as Julia Banks wrote in her book, fashion can be powerful): 7. Allegra Spender
This is not teal. Very professional, perhaps surprising considering Spender is expected to be the most fashion-forward, but she is her OWN PERSON. And hey at least she prevented a petty Jane Hume from wearing her Mum’s brand for 6 weeks!
May 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
And another 🧵 for you all: the most cooked right-wing takes on what the Coalition needs to do lol
May 22, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
🧵My favourite pieces of underlooked news (lost amid a sea of good news) this morning: Richard Colbeck is no longer the aged care minister
May 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
So far, 9 seats have fallen from men to women: Goldstein, Wentwth, Kooyong, Mackellar, Nth Syd, Hasluck, Ryan, Swan, Pearce (though men had retired in latter two)
2 woman lost to men: Griffiths, Robertson

Already a huge improvement to the gender breakdown in the House #insiders I guess we are seeing women rise on the basis of others doing worse 💁‍♀️
May 19, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
🧵 An incomplete list of current & former journos who seemed embarrassed by today's press pack antics. No doubt heaps I've missed, no doubt many more unable to speak up.

I know it's the end of the campaign, but is the press pack listening yet? Is self-reflection possible here?
May 18, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Press pack absolutely losing their minds over Albanese "ditching them" today (leaving them with his shadow treasurer), declaring it "not OK".

Why is it not OK? Do they have a question or twelve they need to ask him about dot points or costings due for release on another day? It's a shame for those journos who are there trying to ask real policy questions, but many of them (and the loudest ones) have turned the pressers into a waste of time, for him and for us.
May 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Stuart Robert just referred to tackle-gate as an “error from both of them” @RNBreakfast @RNBreakfast That more or less seemed to be his attitude when grilled on those who lost their lives due to robodebt too