Yoko 🇯🇵 | ランダムヨーコ (石井陽子) Profile picture
▶︎Japanese patriot based in Japan all her life ▶︎vlogger/artist/gamer/musician ▶︎bilingual: English & Japanese ▶︎YouTube: https://t.co/2ofwlWzJja
Dec 7, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
In Japan, we avoid disagreeing with the people we talk to.

In political & business meetings, the groundwork is laid in advance, and meetings are often ceremonial.

Why? So that no one gets hurt. Faces are saved.

We have a culture that values harmony.

Acceptance is also key. Image It is also said that having "Omoiyari" is a good deed.

The word omoiyari is made up of two parts: omoi, which means "thought", and yari, which comes from the verb yaru, meaning "to give" or "to send". The word literally translates to "sending one's altruistic feelings to others".

Basically, it means to put yourself in the shoes of others.
It would be translated as thoughtfulness, compassion, etc.

Lately, I feel that this concept is fading as our lifestyles are becoming saturated with a materialistic environment.

Nevertheless, it is still considered the ideal attitude when communicating with others.
May 11, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
PM Kishida hasn't said such a thing, nor is he going to.
Even if Japan doubles its defense budget, China's more than triples that.
Japan is finally preparing for China's threat though not enough. Westerners probably have no idea, but Japan's war guilt imprint is coming from China's propaganda against Japan which says Japan was a military power that tortured other Asians and that's why the country should never have military forces, nukes etc. Time says we're going BACK.
Sep 26, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Kamala Harris is here! 🇯🇵
No Biden 👀

- talks with Prime Minister Kishida Fumio later on Monday to discuss the situation over Taiwan and Indo-Pacific issues
- an address at the US Navy's Yokosuka base on Wednesday

#ShinzoAbe #StateFuneral #Japan WHITE HOUSE:
President Biden Announces Presidential Delegation to Japan to Attend the State Funeral of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo of Japan
▶︎ whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/…

#Biden #KamalaHarris
Aug 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
彼等は傾向として暴論・極論が多い。私が指摘をすると『その方が分かりやすくて良いじゃないか』と開き直る。つまり、教祖の暴論を寧ろ歓迎する程思考力のない信者。 ひろゆき氏のような発信のみならず、我々保守派の間でも、近年まとめ系や陰謀論が蔓延し、一部論客に暴論が目立つ程であるが、要は一定の教養や知識がある前提で論理的に説明しても分からない層がネットで簡易的な物に飛び付いている図なんだなと。ネットで暴論が多いわけだと。崇める人達含む悪循環。