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Neurosurgery charity | Funding Research, Patient Education and Surgical Innovation | Registered charity: 1181711
Mar 17, 2022 76 tweets 14 min read
Hi all, welcome to the second of this year's #neurosurgical case-based discussions. We're very lucky to have both @eacp and @mrmikehart as moderators tonight.. Lets get started 1. Ernest is a 62-year-old man who is returning to his neurology clinic for a check-up. His main symptom has always been a left sided tremor. But what exactly is a tremor?
Apr 10, 2020 67 tweets 29 min read
1. A 54 year old female with a history of breast cancer presents with a 3 week hx of worsening headache, trouble walking and visual impairment. Her breast cancer was treated 2 years ago with wide local excision followed by radiotherapy. #BBHCP 2. Based on the history so far what are your thoughts on a differential diagnosis? #BBHCP
Apr 9, 2020 57 tweets 25 min read
This afternoon's #CBD will be moderated by Mr @AlexAlamri, neurosurgery trainee and co-founder @realbrainbook

A quick reminder of the rules before we begin... and let's get started! #BBGBM (plus your best excitement gifs on here please) 1. A 63 year old female presents to clinic with several months history of intermittent neck pain. She reports weakness and clumsiness in both her hands. She further reports episodes of unsteadiness on her feet which has led to several falls over the past couple of months #bbcm
Mar 31, 2020 75 tweets 30 min read
Tonight's #CBD will be moderated by @aswinchari, neurosurgery trainee & PhD student at UCL/GOSH!

A quick reminder of the rules before we begin... and let's get started! #BBGBM 1. A 65-year-old male presents to the emergency department with a 3-week history of generalized headaches, and new weakness of right arm and leg and nausea and vomiting. He has no past medical history. #bbgbm
Feb 25, 2020 58 tweets 24 min read
1. A 36 y/o male with no known past medical history presents to the emergency department with excruciating lower back and leg pain and difficulty passing urine. He reports the pain started this morning after lifting some heavy boxes. #BBCES 2. Based on the history, what are your thoughts on a differential diagnosis? #BBCES
Feb 20, 2020 46 tweets 18 min read
1. Let's begin! Just to recap: a 25 y/o female cyclist with no known past medical history presents to the emergency department after sustaining a collision with a bus. Upon arrival to the emergency department she is un-arousable with a GCS of 7. #BBTBI 2. What is your immediate next step in her management? Is there any speciality you’d like to involve early? #BBTBI
Feb 11, 2020 50 tweets 17 min read
Let's get started on our first @realbrainbook CBD.
A 49 year old woman presents to the emergency department with an acute onset headache, vomiting, neck stiffness and photophobia. On examination she is conscious and alert with a GCS of 15. She has no neurological deficits #BBSAH Based on the history what are your thoughts on differential diagnoses? #BBSAH