How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App all seems like some spin to frighten people about foreign criminals. If you follow immigration experts here you will know that the consistently say a very high proportion of asylum claims are found to be legitimate and subsequent allowed. fact the statistics never support this age old narrative that getting rid of the foreigner will make things better. An influx of young ambitious immigrants can even help to revive local economies which are struggling due to the demographics of an ageing population. 2/ is nothing in the short or medium term that can make up for the financial hole that this government have led the UK into. The EU is not going to fall apart it will only get stronger. To abandon the privileged position of being a powerful voice inside it was stupid! was the only pathway to returning to a level headed sensible politics! I hope there are politicians and ex mps who will genuinely search their consciences and understand the bad choices they made in indulging the English nativist brexit fiasco with their indifference/support was never a soft Brexit option and as we learned more and more about the nitty gritty it was a totally pointless option anyway. The strings were being pulled by the ERG, the tail was wagging the dog. 2/