Not Becky Profile picture
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kiddphunk Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 18 31 tweets 11 min read
Griffin Sivert aka Gruffin Instagram post thread. These posts were only available to followers. I'm posting these as a testament to how much pain she went through. #JusticeForGriffin

Nov 21, 2021 Image Caption for Nov 21, 2021: Image
Jul 4 48 tweets 6 min read
Episode 4. I'm very tired but I don't think I can sleep until I finish. They are talking to a woman in Atlanta, in the US. She's the second accuser, they call her K.
Jul 4 28 tweets 4 min read
*Sigh* Episode 3. I can't be as detailed. I'm losing energy. We start with audio of Scarlet talking to police. It sounds like her criminal complaint was about the bath tub incident only, which I think is important to note, not the times he alleged he anally raped her.
Jul 3 105 tweets 14 min read
The Neil Gaiman allegations, episode 2 liveblog thread: "The former nanny who alleges Neil Gaiman sexually assaulted her shares her WhatsApp messages with him. The messages appear friendly and affectionate. He says they’re evidence that she consented to sex with him. But is there another way of reading them?" Image
Jul 3 140 tweets 20 min read
Liveblogging the Neil Gaiman accusation podcast thing. These allegations broad to you by Instacart and Mint Mobile!
Dec 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I've been researching this for a couple of hours and as far as I can tell it's BS - but I'm not sure.

I can find plenty of publications on this topic from Louis Gooren but none of the numbers come close to matching For example, this paper from 2021 on every transgender person in the Netherlands who was treated says there were 361 deaths among 4568 people from 1972 to 2018.
Dec 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
In addition to detransitioning, there are other crucial aspects of transgender medicine that haven't been studied adequately: the long-term outcomes of medical transitioning on mental and physical health. People who detransition are the most vocal and obvious failures of transgender medicine, but there's a lot of people in between who aren't satisfied with their transitions or who are worse off than they were before they transitioned. There's actually very little evidence
Dec 9, 2020 28 tweets 7 min read
Background on the foreclosure and eviction of the Kinney family from the Red House on N Mississippi Ave in Portland: #portland #redhouse The Kinneys legal troubles began in 2002 when William Kinney III, 17, ran a stop sign on SE 33rd Av and Franklin St at 45 to 60 mph, colliding with another car and resulting in the death of Fred Goetz, 74. William was driving with a suspended license.…