Lisa Mckenzie Profile picture
Working class academic. Anarchistic author. Think I look like Elsie Tanner but probably more Sue Pollard.
Jan 5 4 tweets 1 min read
The Oldham enquiry was due to be discussed in Oldham council meeting as to why nothing had been actioned in March 2024 it came after 2 motions about Gaza & 1 about buses. They ran out of time to discuss it fully. Gaza was more important to the councillors in Oldham If you google Oldham Council 14th March you can read the council minutes. Its all there in black & white. The Labour councillor for children safety brought the Gaza motion - Independents brought the grooming motion.
Jan 3, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵Really had to reflect on last year wasnt sure what I have achieved to be honest I dont think much -I live only a few miles away from where I was born I'm back in a mining community renting - I only work part time so money has been a problem my son came to live with me he was 🧵Not in a good place mentally and its been a struggle getting him back to my son who I recognise. Work wise has been tough tried working 2 part time jobs but it was too hard & academia isnt the place to support someone who is going through a rough patch -
Apr 7, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/6 Thread Being a working class woman in the University system

I've been reluctant to speak openly about where I currently work because over the last 7 years I have had to endure levels of abuse mostly from other academics because they find my voice & my place offensive. There was a group of academics & Oxford University phd students that tried to get my phd revoked crazy but true they didnt like 2 pages in it - the testimony of working class women on a council estate being sexually harrassed by asylum seeker men dumped there also without support
Mar 27, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 Sunday night thread. Why we get the politicians and politics we deserve. Theres always an hashtag trending on twitter with something like #BorisJohnsonOut or #KeirStarmerout or #VoteLabour but in truth the rotten politicians and the poor political discourse we have we deserve 2/5 when you vote for a political party its as useful in changing the system as using an hashtag on twitter its performative. Let me explain Westminster's key function is to reproduce itself & hold political power within it. When you vote for whatever Mp that sits you sanction it
Nov 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Yet again I am being bullied online and harrassed by people who follow an academic named Alana Lentin who has defamed me used classist and racist slurs about my family in her extremely poor scholarship and her institution has completely ignored this. They use her work and words to make my life a misery and yet I have complained to .@ContinuumJMCS @westernsydneyu over 6 months ago about the abuse I and my family have recieved and a right to reply. Still nothing. Academic elitism & bullying nepotism and classism is rife.