Remkus de Vries Profile picture
I help you build & optimize fast + reliable WP & WooCommerce sites, while guiding you to the best tools, plugins, and practices with @Scanfullyapp & @Within_WP
Jun 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This is a very interesting question Jamie asks. Personally, I’d say it’s slightly above 2, but it needs to be a full 3 ASAP.

Interesting question because context matters. I’m obviously quite savvy when it comes to WordPress, and I’d say, for me personally, it’s a good 3. Why? Well, I’ve built Block plugins for it where I needed them, and with @wp_acf that’s super easy to do.

I’ve also built two full FSE themes in the last two weeks for clients who are absolutely not savvy when it comes to tech.

But here’s the interesting part...
Jun 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
🎙️ For my @withinwordpress podcast, I sat down with @jamesgiroux on how he is leading the way in solving human resources challenges for WordPress companies with TeamWP. TeamWP is the team and culture platform dedicated to the WordPress ecosystem, with a mission to empower teams by fostering a thriving, people-first culture. This is achieved by improving engagement and optimizing teamwork with their specialized tools and resources​.
Feb 6, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Today I discovered a bug in a #WordPress plugin update that had a tremendous negative performance impact. Luckily the solution was an easy one to fix, but I've gotten some question about how I found out where the issue was, so I thought I take you along on some performance debugging steps I always take.

First off, I work with both local development sites as well as staging sites.
Jan 23, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Did you know LCP makes up for 25% of the Google Lighthouse score of your #WordPress site? That's a huge chunk that when optimized correctly gives

Let me explain what Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is, and what you can do to improve it: If you're reading a book and the most interesting part of the book, the hook, takes too long to get to, it can make reading the whole book less enjoyable. So much so you'll not want to finish it.

LCP is like waiting too long for that part.

Dec 30, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Letting go of stuff you no longer need. No better time doing that than end of the year!

I’m a gatherer of things. That’s my modus operandi.
However, as much as I like to collect things, I’m also keenly aware of the power of letting go.

Here's 16 things you can let go of: 1) Screenshots of things you no longer need. Check your screenshot folder on your machine. And phone.

2) Domain names your never going to find the time (read: priority) to pursue and turn into actual projects. Just let them go.