reproaction Profile picture
Reproaction leads bold action to increase access to abortion and advance reproductive justice.
Nov 12, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵 A new finding by @ArkAdvocate shows a darker side of what Arkansas anti-abortion pregnancy centers are really using taxpayer $$ for. (1/4) But several centers applied for grant money to expand their targeted advertising/search engine optimization (SEO) efforts & received it. (2/4)
Sep 27, 2018 93 tweets 48 min read
We're live-tweeting the #KavanaughHearings. It'll be a tough day for too many of us, so we're asking everyone to take time to care for yourself today. For some guidance, check out our webinar, "Self Esteem, Self Expression, and Self Love for Activists": Pitiful that @ChuckGrassley opens with saying that *both* Dr. Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh have had a bad couple weeks. One came forward with a painful truth, the other faced a reckoning for multiple allegations of abuse. #KavanaughHearings #BelieveSurivors