airborne atmospheric scientist | studies #AirQuality, #Climate, #Aerosols & #Clouds | foodie | husband/father | personal account - tweets are my own.
Jan 5, 2021 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
One exciting thing from over the holidays is that the Int'l Civil Aviation Organization (@ICAO) and aircraft engine manufacturers for the first time publicly released quantitative emissions indices for particle # and mass emitted per unit fuel burn! 🧵 1/…
Up until now, certification data for aircraft engine particle emissions have been reported in terms of a "smoke number", which is derived from the change in reflectance of a Whatman 4 filter after collecting 16.2 kg/m² exhaust. 2/
Excited to be in #AGU20’s tutorial on #MachineLearning for #Geoscience today with over 1200 registered participants from across the world!
First time I'm hearing about the Zarr data format for breaking large datasets into a large number of small binary files that are good for cloud storage.
Dec 10, 2020 • 12 tweets • 7 min read
Just getting around to watching the many excellent #AGU20 talks on the atmospheric effects of COVID-19-driven societal changes. While I would've liked to have attended the live sessions, I am loving watching these on demand at 1.5-2x speed. A few highlights (of many) in a thread:
Greg Frost presents a scientific smorgasbord of @NOAA's COVID AQ research in the United States over recent months. Measurements and fuel-based inventories show significant reductions in motor vehicle emissions that are confirmed by satellites.…