Robin Murray Profile picture
Former VC of CLSA (Views on Twitter are my own). Former Winner of Legal Aid Lawyer of Year Award and a Winner of Kent Law Society exceptional achievement award.
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Aug 3, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
If anyone doubts the fate of those about to be arrested, I represented clients during the 2011 London riots. The CJS was brutal. Bail refused prior to court. People remanded in custody however minor their involvement pending trial at the Crown Court for heavier sentencing. 1/ The police told me no one was getting bail that night. I asked the duty inspector how was it that between leaving my car and arriving at the custody the presumption of bail under the bail act had been suspended? Not true I was told but no one got bail that night. All RIC 2/
Aug 20, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
It is rare for me to find an article in the press that so accurately depicts the abysmal shortcomings of British criminal justice as this piece from @soniasodha 1/

The terrible power of the state to ruin lives was exposed by the case of Andrew Malkinson… The article sums up what almost all defence lawyers have known for years. The whole CJS is stacked against the defence. From the erosion of the presumption of innocence brought in by bad character rules, the continued egregious prosecution failure of evidence disclosure 2/
Jun 23, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
‘In all these north European countries, which once looked on the British as special partners and friends inside the European Union, Britain is now barely mentioned, except as the object of pity, ridicule and contempt.’


Timothy Garton Ash… I absolutely understand, labours caution over alienating supporters of Brexit, given the overriding necessity of liberating this country from a corrupt incompetent Tory government. But its caution will result in the next labour government being hamstrung in what it can achieve 2/
Jan 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
As 2023 unfolds, the gap between Brexit’s delusions and our everyday reality will become increasingly inescapable. The Tories’ internal strife and poll woes will go on, but Labour will also be confronted with questions it will no longer be able to avoid.… And that’s the point. It is useless for labour supporters (I intend to vote labour) to call upon remainers to stop putting pressure on Starmer over his unrealistic approach to Brexit. It will be at the heart of continued economic failure for years to come unless addressed. 2/
Jul 9, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
1/ This is an interesting article by @danielboffey today


Collapsing public support suggests Brexit is anything but done… 2/ To quote:-

‘But recent polling suggests support for Brexit in the UK has collapsed -

But most worrying of all for those who are protective of Johnson’s Brexit legacy is the changing face of public opinion.’

And -
Jul 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I am sorry if this seems like a distraction from the main drama. But Johnson confirmed to Parliament’s liaison committee that he met an ex KGB colonel without officials present and without notifying this meeting through official channels. This is normally a sackable offence. 1/ When Priti Patel did something similar she was forced to resign. These related to unauthorised meetings in Israel. Ministers of the crown cannot go off on frolics of their own with representatives of foreign intelligence services. see report below 👇…
Jul 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@neill_bob in full cross examination mode of Johnson. “So the allegation of sexual impropriety didn’t stick in your mind then? It’s not common for a minister of the crown to be accused of sexual impropriety is it? -

Ans. waffle and more waffle.

A court would not be convinced. Despite everything the prime minister resembles ‘the stag at bay’ and it is unpopular to say this but I have some sympathy for him at this moment.I will lay down and rest until I get over it.
Jul 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ @williamnhutton raises the standard to which all rational people to rally around. To stand any chance GB needs to trade out of economic crisis with EU

So the arguments over Brexit are done and dusted for a generation. Really, Tony Blair? | Will Hutton… 2/ It was just having joined the ‘common Market that saved U.K. before by allowing us in 76 to trade out crisis with a huge market on our doorstep. We don’t have that luxury unless we join the SM & CU. Time is if the essence. It will save us if we act asap. But Brexit impedes us
Jun 23, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
1/ Labour is in denial over Brexit out of fear of Red wall reaction. But :-

‘What you cannot tolerate is Labour’s refusal to face the problem. And neither will the markets, should the party come to power; investors don’t listen to focus groups.’… 2/ To me - although not facing actual extinction as we were in WW2 - We are facing an economic meltdown with lasting consequences. The evidence is overwhelming now and even significant Brexiters see that this Johnson Brexit is doing lasting harm and should not be appeased. -
Jun 20, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
@BBCDomC People do not realise the level of desperation involved that forced the criminal Bar into taking this action. They know criminal justice is dying on its feet. They believed they had no choice. It is the very last thing they would have wished to do. Entirely counter intuitive. 1/ @BBCDomC Having known many members of the bar over the decades I know how fundamentally decent and caring they are. But their sense of vocation cannot feed their families or pay the rent.Their sense of duty and service to justice has been cynically betrayed by Government for many years 2/
Apr 5, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
I think many in the country have moved from disliking the Johnson Government to visceral hatred of it.

Given the growing majority of the country want an end to almost perpetual Tory rule it really is time our electoral system reflected that anti Tory majority. This must happen. I do not want to be ruled by such a vile bunch again when numerically THEY are a minority of the country. Why on earth should we be held captive by mainly elderly reactionary people? Our voting system is like a rigged game at a casino. Enough. Democratic legitimacy needs change.
Jan 28, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
@BarristerSecret 1/Always interesting from @BarristerSecret But and without detracting from SB - from my viewpoint as someone who has done more than their fair share of cases involving police investigations subsequent to internal disciplinary hearings this may be too kind to the Met & No 10. @BarristerSecret 2/ Many involved will have already given a ‘first account’ to Sue Gray.

They will have committed themselves to a certain version of events and it would be unlikely they would challenge Sue Gray’s accuracy in her account when interviewed under caution about the same detail.
Sep 10, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
@Barristerblog I haven’t seen it yet but I know the case of course. One of the lessons was the importance of properly trained legal representatives at police interviews who intervene & are not just passive observers. Something I emphasised to all I have trained with reference to this case. @Barristerblog 1/ I have seen the ‘killing in Tiger Bay’ documentary now. It was an outstanding documentary. I doubt whether any of the convictions would have been secured but foe the false confession of one suspect not been obtained by duress. How professor Gísli Hannes Guðjónsson evidence -
May 28, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
This is a heartbreaking reality check on HMG’s covid failure.

‘the government and its advisers refused to look to other countries. There was a lack of humility and an unwillingness to observe or listen to other parts of the world -… 2/ ‘The government already had plenty of lessons it could have learned at the time from other countries that were battling with the virus. In fact, the lockdown restrictions in western countries have been much harsher and longer than those in much of east Asia’.
May 14, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
@mcm_home 1- Here is a danger. labour dragging its feet on electoral reform. If people feel under FPTP Labour cannot win it might free people to treat it as just another ‘wasted vote’ despite local circs. They may lose hope & vote for all manner of parties. Why do people vote Labour? - @mcm_home 2- Many vote labour out of conviction because they are socialist/democratic socialist. But many do because labour is the best route to defeat the Tories. If people lose hope or belief that Labour can win they may feel they have nothing to lose by flirting with other parties.
May 13, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I have to agree with the thrust of this thread. I have done my best to support appeasement of red wall deserters to the Tories only to find like most appeasement it has proved to be disastrous. I have had enough. I would rather be true to my own fundamental beliefs from now on. 2/ I also believe there is only one way out of this mess for @UKLabour & @Keir_Starmer. Be bold and reflect the majority views of Labour members and supporters. Brexit influenced former Labour voters will discover soon enough selling their souls to Johnson is self destructive.
May 7, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
@labourlewis is absolutely correct in his analysis on BBC. Things have changed since Brexit. The old certainties & former coalition of voters Labour relied upon once has gone forever. A new coalition needs to be formed. This needs progressive parties to work together & PR. 2/ I think many of us have reached the point where we would rather be true to our progressive values than trying to win back voters who have abandoned them by voting Tory. We have tried that over the last year and it is failing. We need to unite the millions who share our values.
May 5, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Thread by @nicktolhurst: If the 2019 election had been decided by people of working age - UK would now have a Labour majority government. Condidn’t win workers in Northern towns so much as won pensioners. The UK divide isn’t north v south. It’s old v you…… 1/ must admit @nicktolhurst as a boomer I do find this hard to read but the graphics are convincing. It goes to show that wisdom does not always come with age. Personally I find the concept of pulling the ladder up behind me by voting Tory harmful & offensive to next generations.
May 4, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
So John Curtice should be listened to:-
‘ given that the Conservatives have chosen Leave, and 80 per cent of Labour's vote now comes from Remain supporters, the only realistic choice open to ⁦@UKLabour⁩ is to -… open to @UKLabour is to craft an appeal that will maintain and enhance its support among Remain voters, be they working class or not’
I agree and we shouldn’t waste our time chasing the voters who values at the moment are so different from ours that they vote for this Tory HMG.
Apr 23, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
‘80% of Labour's vote now comes from Remain supporters, the only realistic choice open to the party is to craft an appeal that will maintain & enhance its support among Remain voters, be they working class or not.’

- Curtice - Wiley Online Library… 2/ I have found this a real dilemma. I have supported @Keir_Starmer in his attempt to win back Brexit red wall voters but many, working class or not, seem to have values more in common with right wing Tories so as Curtice implies they may not return to @UKLabour as hoped. -
Oct 25, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
1.Tory MPs threats to shops feeding children & saying food vouchers are used by poor for brothels & crack dens - claim their EXACT word are ‘taken out of context’. When did ‘context’ become an Orwellian concept of ‘double think’ where we are to pretend opposite of what’s said? 2. There is no other “context“ or surrounding framework set out in the original tweets by Tory MPs. threatening shops providing food for children for free, with hostile treatment from HMG. Nor for the quite dreadful slur on poor that they use food vouchers for brothels or Crack.