Ryan Hoover Profile picture
Founder of @ProductHunt. Investor at @WeekendFund. Writing about fun(d) stuff at https://t.co/tsunRiiECA with @vedikaja_in. Say hi! 👋🏼
peterjabraham 🚀 #ScaleSmart Profile picture Jerome Ku Profile picture ZenSaintLaurent Profile picture Nainil Chheda 🦊 Lead Generator | LinkedIn Nerd Profile picture 4 subscribed
Aug 22, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Introducing synthetic Ryan. He has something to share. Our latest request for startup: Synthetic Humans

We’re interested in software that simulates the non-deterministic behavior and “human-ness” of people with the programmability, scalability, and delivery of bits.

This is best illustrated with examples…
Aug 21, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I recently hired an EA. Her name is Ida.

For years I was hesitant to hire help, unsure of what to offload. Tbh, I was lacking creativity.

Over the last few months Ida's helped me with a ton of personal and work projects.

Here are some examples… Image 1. Ops tasks at Weekend Fund

Ida makes sure our CRM and pipeline tracker is updated as we’re introduced to founders.

These entries take little time, but the context switching is costly. Systematizing this with Ida's help also ensures we don't drop the ball in our process.
Aug 12, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
We pulled together 13 VC fund decks that successfully raised $500M+.

The latest edition of Signature Block includes a template, tips for your pitch, and links to all of the decks.

signatureblock.co/p/vc-fund-deck… Shout out to @JuliaLipton, @apv_tweets, @maccaw, @mattsornson, @LeeJacobs, @packyM, @chudson, Christine Tobolski, @Nivo0o0, @WizLikeWizard, @lpolovets, @toddg777, and @briannekimmel for contributing. :)
Dec 21, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
Friends often ask me:

"Should I start a fund?"

A thread… 🧵 First, some context:

I started Weekend Fund in early 2017, shortly after Product Hunt was acquired.

The timing was perfect. AngelList was introducing their Venture Funds platform and I finally had enough money to make a GP commit.
Mar 23, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Equity crowdfunding is having a moment. Last week:

@shl raised $5M from 8,962 investors

@ArlanWasHere raised $5M from 7,065 investors

@joinrepublic announced their $36M Series A

Many view equity crowdfunding as a negative signal. But that’s changing… 1. Regulation have changed

Up until March 15, companies could raise only $1.07M per year. Now they can raise $5M annually.

Equity crowdfunding is now far more attractive, especially for more established companies that have a large audience and strong brand.
Jan 17, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Reflecting on my career in tech, it’s clear that my happiness *and* frustration are primarily driven by the people I work with.

So, here’s my attempt to articulate the qualities I look for in teammates going forward… Curious

I’ve always admired curious people.

They’re open to experimentation and new ideas, an important quality for those building something novel and meaningful.
Dec 21, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m considering starting a coworking space in LA designed for remote workers (like me) 🏡 I’ve toured many spaces nearby and none are designed for the future of distributed work.

We need a space with...
Jul 10, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
What I ❤️ about podcasts:

They unlock stories and knowledge that its guests would never share otherwise (at least publicly). Blogging achieves similar results but with a lot more friction. Very few people will write but nearly everyone can tell stories and share ideas verbally.
Jan 2, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Shout out to all the other founders that deeply empathize with this article. You’re not alone.
techcrunch.com/2018/12/30/inv… by @runvc @runvc "There’s a lot of pressure put on founders to stay steady in times of company turmoil. As a result, they are often alone when they need others the most.”

Call me soft but I’ve cried many times over the past 5 years. Fortunately I have amazing friends and a strong SO to lean on.
Dec 17, 2018 7 tweets 1 min read
Shower thoughts 🚿 on synchronous participatory media, inspired by an afternoon playing Super Smash Bros... Media is often more enjoyable when experienced with friends or likeminded people.

E.g. Rarely do people go to the theater or a concert alone.
Oct 20, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
1/I used to think titles and organizational hierarchy in a small startup was a bad thing.

I was mistaken. 2/There’s a reason why most companies have an org chart and management.

Some people believe these structures restrict autonomy and breed internal politics.
Mar 25, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
1/Once a month, @Damjanski sends me an email about his newest project.

They’re always weird. 😳 2/He created a CAPTCHA that only robots can read: producthunt.com/posts/humans-n…
Mar 23, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
1/This video from my brother made me tear up, proud how far he’s come. ☺️

facebook.com/brandon.hoover… 2/A few years ago he picked up a camera to accompany him on hikes in Oregon with his dog, Kaya.
Oct 29, 2017 11 tweets 2 min read
The @ProductHunt Global Hackathon starts Nov 1. Signup: producthunt.com/hackathon

If you’re looking for project ideas, here are some #YMMV 👇🏼 🗣 Audible pen pals.

Swap stories with people across the world using your voice and a Google Home device.
Oct 1, 2017 10 tweets 2 min read
Deadline to apply to @ycombinator is Tuesday

If you’d like feedback on your app, I have a few hours this morning 👉🏼 ryan@weekend.fund ☀️ I know several founders that are anxiously waiting to hear from YC. Invites and rejections go out today.