And hs-CRP an inflammation marker is directly proportional to our Body Mass Index
Overeating (Caloric Surplus) + sedentary lifestyle causes accumulation of body fat storage - leading to inflammation, oxidative stress, insulin resistance & most importantly: dysfunctional angiogenesis.
Apr 29, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Anyone here addicted to CoffeeMate? Or any coffee creamer?
Thing is, most if not all coffee creamers are made of non-milk derivative called Casein.
When digested, it converts to "Morphins"
"Caso-morphin" is an opioid peptide (protein fragment) derived from the digestion of the milk protein casein.
A study even described it as "worse than morphin" as it causes severe health effects.
Apr 18, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Effective weight loss is more than the weight difference in the first few weeks.
In the beginning we lose water. Then we may burn fat and protein. The difficult part is to maintain the burn.
It should be enjoyable, not tormenting.
It goes beyond calories.
Everybody knows. To lose weight = first eat less than we burn. Calorie deficit works. But we gotta fast involuntarily. it's not enjoyable
The more we lose the lower our metabolism, then the more we have to fast
After a while, we lost all the water weight & plateau. Feels shitty
Mar 8, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
We were told that fiber = poop.. But they never say only ~6% of poop are fiber.
Most of it is liquid water (¾)..
Of the remaining ¼ solids:
50% are bacteria biomass
15% protein
25% carbohydrates & fibers
10% fat
The volumes are from water, and smoothness from fat.
We’ve all been told to increase our fiber intake.
[That it helps with constipation]
This is not true. You dont pack more toilet paper in a clogged toilet do you?
Fat and water, not dietary fiber aids constipation.
Mar 7, 2023 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
When hiring for SLB we were asked to ask these questions to assess the candidate's ability/habit to learn.
So we asked this to know what they do outside of work.
It really speaks a lot about a person's work ethics, in the long run affects the company culture at office.
To vary the coffee intensity/volume the amount of water pulled through follows different brew ratios, usually by weight
Ristretto (Restricted) 1 part coffee to ~1 part water
Normale (Normal) 1 to ~2
Lungo (Long) 1 to ~3
So Ristretto Doppio = 14g of coffee over 15.5g of water.
Jul 29, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
I usually buy my coffee from Costa Coffee by Shell. It has been my go-to coffee whenever I go to work, travel, basically anywhere. I’m so excited when I heard about the new Power Up Rewards Programme.
BLINK IT with the new BLINK App at any Shell Station! Collect 200 pts in 2 months and enjoy awesome rewards, like my cup of costa coffee for only RM1 ! Power up your rewards to get more perks and benefits from Shell. status and keep track of your power up progress!
Mar 4, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
🍉 drowned
🍶, Her manager/bff went home with other friends and sleep right after that
They didnt call 🍉's mom. When asked 🍶 said "I didnt call her, not like she's a scuba diver."
They didnt go to the police for 2 days. When threatened with arrest warrant, they seek lawyers.
Many things didnt make sense.
They said 🍉 went to the back to pee, and fell.
They looked but coudnt find 🍉. 🍶 Went back to 🍉's home "in case 🍉 goes home."
🍉's insurance money goes to 🍶's daughter (🍉 is her godmother) at her age, 🍶 will be one having the money.
May 16, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This is the Tamir Missle used in Iron Domes. The missile is launched by the Missile Firing Unit (MFU) after Detection & Tracking Radar (DTR) detected and Battle Management & Weapon Control (BMC) analysed trajectory of an incoming missile.
It intercepts a missile not by flying directly towards it, but alongside it. When sensors confirmed a rocket in its spray radius, its belt detonates and blasts shrapnels in all directions via a proximity fuze. During development, they even source components from Toys R Us toycars
May 16, 2021 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Israeli firm Senpai Technologies Ltd. already infiltrated Malaysian Police Intelligence (Special Branch) in 2018 when Israeli government agents tricked Najib Razak into signing "Project Magnum" so he could gain politically leverage. The PM was losing popularity & desperate then.
The initial U$1.5mil deal was signed through a Cypriot conduit company called Kohai Corp. Ltd., founded by two Senpai shareholders for the sole purpose of serving as a front to bypass legislations.
May 10, 2021 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
I think Christian states with official religion like Roman Catholic should not allow freedom of religion. They should set up a Catholic Department to make sure no one can convert out of Catholic. If the non-Catholics(Protestants) wanna marry a Catholic, convert to Catholic first.
The state must fund a Catholic department to enforce Catholic rules. Such as fasting during lent.
Any insults towards the enforcement must be equaled to insults towards Catholic Church, should be punishable by law.
Nov 23, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
This is not taught in Sejarah. The Malay Malacca Sultanate was a Tributary State to China (Ming Dynasty).
A tributary state is a state that is subordinate to a more powerful empire. It was a form of subordination in pre-modern times.
When Portugal conquered Malacca in 1511, China responded with extreme violence against the Portuguese.
(Prior to the invasion, The Portuguese spent several years trying to establish formal relations with China. In 1521, China formally rejected the Portugese Embassy)
Oct 29, 2020 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Day 01 - #Isolation .. Away from family, at least not alone. Stuck with your buddy.
Ok this is fun
Sep 4, 2020 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Regardless of how great we think our vision is, our human eye is far from perfect actually.
We only have 3 cones (very rare condition giving people 4 - tetrachromatic) which let us see red-green-blue
That's it, all the other colors you see are just a combination of these 3
Tetrachromatic people can see another colour which we can only imagine. Their paintings can be sold for thousands of dollars!
Jun 5, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
So Pemandu just launched the Global Covid Index (CGI) - touted as the world's first "comprehensive index" that let's you know how good/bad a country is doing with regards to #Covid19
However, nobody cares, nobody covers the news except local sites which just run their PR. Why?
According to their website "The GCI is driven fully by big data, and the index scores and ranks 184 countries on how well they are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic."
It has 2 indexes: Severity and Recovery Index.
Mar 27, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
We are moving onto something more sustainable/reliable for the Doctors. 1 reusable, sterilizable facial PPE that equals a Faceshield, N95 Respirator, Goggles. + 10 N95 refills that can last weeks.