Sanjum S. Sethi MD, MPH Profile picture
Vascular Medicine and Interventional Cardiology Columbia University Irving Medical Center. @nyphospital Patient care first, all else second. Tweets are my own.
Kim & Andy Anderson Profile picture ❄ WA mask wearing, no tan lines! #TRE45ON Profile picture Ann Heiser MD Profile picture Rob Van Geen Profile picture 4 subscribed
Apr 28, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Do people really think we ‘doctor’ death certificates to inflate the #COVID19 mortality numbers?

Aside from the immorality it would take to actually do that and the insult to the families of the 12000+ who died in NYC alone, who do you think wants this to be over more than us? I know this is hard. People are hurting on all sides. Money does matter as that is our society’s tool for obtaining essential things like shelter, clothing, and healthcare. For those with strained resources, the current situation makes it that much worse. I get it.
Apr 12, 2020 14 tweets 7 min read
I don’t usually rant on social media. However, after a week of service in the ICU, I’d like to get a few things off my chest. #COVID19 (1/10) 1) This is a horrible, relentless, nasty disease in its severe form. If the patient is obese and/or has renal failure, the prognosis is extremely grim. They are NOT dying from comorbidities. They are dying from COVID -19. #COVID19 (2/10)