During the night @klhumpf and I spent time in the basement due to #Tornado warnings. I don’t understand people who hang out near windows waiting for the funnel and then run to the basement. It’s playing w/ danger.
@KlHumpf When I was 10 years old, I was sitting in front of a TV when a transformer blew and the TV was busted. My grandpa was on the porch. He ran inside and hustled me and Grand mato the cellar.
Mar 4, 2022 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Here is something that has been discussed lately over coffee in this household as #COVID restrictions are lifted, b/c it has caused a lot of hurt to me and @KlHumpf. People don’t realize why and it is time to say it.
@KlHumpf A comment that we hear from time to time in varying forms is how important it is to see people’s faces again, look into each other’s eyes, etc.