My latest book: The TRUTH and Other Stories can be ordered at the link below.
Feb 21, 2024 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
#Thread: FLAC, ICCL, and the Independent Living Movement all have provided analysis that the care amendment may be harmful/is not good. Sinn Fein will re-run the referendum if there's a no vote, Roderic O'Gorman says there might be a need for a further Referendum on it...
Many carers and disabled people say it undermines their rights, and yet the people pushing for yes feminists, social justice and advocacy orgs will not engage with people's concerns about the text being inserted and insist on only talking about what's coming out
Jan 10, 2024 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
I feel sorry for people who let fear and racism blind them about newcomers to our communities. In my work we have the chance to meet and get to know the most interesting people who come here through the direct provision system
I can't tell you the times that people have dropped us in cards, invited us to their exhibitions, brought us out for lunch, called us to tell us they got their status, invited us to their houses when they got on their feet
May 18, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Over the years I've lived in Clare (7years) there have been Syrian refugees resettled in four towns, Somalians in one, two new DP centres opened, one emergency centre opened, and more than 3500 Ukrainians welcomed into the community. While it hasn't all been easy
And while most decent people in Clare don't want people to have to live in institutions, the story to date from the community has been one of welcomes- of typical Clare craic of music gigs, coffee mornings, day trips to the beach and cliffs for the newcomers,
Feb 5, 2023 • 21 tweets • 5 min read
#Thread / RANT! In Ireland we are having public debate about migration within a couple of entirely wrong frameworks. I am not talking about the far right here. I am talking about Government and media. The first wrong framework is a scarcity framework-
#2 this scarcity framework says we don't have enough resources, space, social services. health, infrastructure to provide for migration or even for ourselves. This is pure bollocks. These are policy choices. Ireland inc is awash with money and properties hoarded and vacant
Jan 31, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
#Thread 1. Everyone has the right to seek asylum, arriving in a country whether with or without documents to claim asylum is LEGAL. Not illegal.
2 Ireland receives a lower than average number of asylum applications per capita and in fact for a wealthy country we are at the lower end of applications link here:…
Jan 1, 2021 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Thread. I'm asking all my artists, musicians, writer and performer followers for something: can you please make it your new year's resolution to sign up to the Irish Cultural Boycott of Israel which currently has almost 1000 signatories? Read on so that I can explain why...
Firstly the campaign of @BDSmovement is a Palestinian led non-violent action in the great tradition of resistance which has its origins in Ireland along with the word Boycott itself. We have a chance to show solidarity in a powerful and non-violent way as artists
Oct 30, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Small quick thread #EndDirectProvision the outpouring of support for #UnsealTheArchives was urgent and completely necessary and the campaign is not over until people can have easy and dignified access to their records and our state fully faces up to the violence it committed.
Ireland is still institutionalising people. Today. We will have to account also for the damage done to people within the Direct Provision System in Ireland. But first we have to end it. There are currently 7,151 people in DP.
Oct 25, 2019 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
Thread- about the vote in EU Parliament. It occurs to me that maybe we are not talking loudly enough about the hundreds of actions people and local businesses are doing quietly to support and welcome international protection applicants in the face of terrible govt failings
I'm going to give you a non exhaustive list of how businesses and organisations in Clare have gone out of their way to open their doors, facilities and hearts to refugees, those who are in DP andemergency accommodation - it can be like this in your community too
Oct 6, 2019 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Short thread.. still on policy towards asylum seekers; in the last couple of years RIA - the reception and integration agency has stopped providing accomodation overnight in Dublin for people attending their interview with the international protection office, people can in theory
claim back money for their travel etc from Department of Social Protection but this requires them to have it up front- most people I know borrow it from others in the centres which can lead to tension etc if payments from DSP are slow.
Oct 1, 2019 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
Thread. What's the alternative to direct provision? All day I've been hearing elected reps and ministers saying they haven't been given any suggestions on how to end direct provision. This is untrue- I am attaching a submission made by the small community organisation I work in
I am not claiming that it is the perfect solution but it at least makes suggestions.…