Sara Charles Profile picture
Using practice-based research to explore medieval manuscript making techniques - parchment, ink and pigments | she/her
Sara Charles Profile picture Monica Profile picture 3 subscribed
Oct 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Inspired by Christopher de Hamel and in the interests of furthering manuscript research, I decided to see what parchment does indeed taste like #teachingmanuscripts I'm not allowed to use a real medieval manuscript, so I used a small strip of goat parchment that I made myself A small piece of parchment A goatskin stretched on a p...
Aug 14, 2022 19 tweets 11 min read
Making a medieval paintbrush. It's quite easy! #teachingmanuscripts #medievalstuffwithcats Brother Rufillus seated on a bench, holding a paintbrush in Like everything to do with medieval manuscript production, you have to make or source it yourself - no trips to local art stores for ready-made supplies. So how did they make paintbrushes? Animal hair (as today) was considered the best type of brush Woman seated at an easel painting the Virgin Mary and child.
Mar 29, 2022 16 tweets 9 min read
Let's make some medieval lye (la lye, lye la lye la lye la lye 🎵). Lye is also known as potash or lixivium. It's a strong alkali and the basic ingredient of soap. Yes, the medievals washed! #teachingmanuscripts #medievalpigments Morgan Collection, MS M.638... Lye is completely natural and once again nature is completely AMAZING. A big lovely tree sucks up all the nutrients from the soil through its roots (including potassium). Big lovely tree gets cut down and used for firewood 🙁 Royal ms 10 E IV, fol. 100v...
May 10, 2021 21 tweets 9 min read
I want some alum-tawed thongs for a bookbinding project. Does a search on the internet help? It does not (unless I want a whole animal skin for £££). But I DO have a sheep skin that I salted from last year. So I’m going to make my own #teachingmanuscripts Image I cut off some strips from the bottom of the skin and give it a bit of a haircut Image
Apr 6, 2021 16 tweets 9 min read
Time to smash some lapis! #teachingmanuscripts ImageImage Make sure your pestle is wearing a pretty skirt when grinding the smaller chunks, otherwise you’ll lose some lapis ImageImage
Jun 5, 2020 17 tweets 8 min read
I made some purple parchment! #teachingmanuscripts #medievalmanuscripts #medievalstuffwithcats @IES_London @LondonRareBooks Tyrian (or imperial) purple was by far the most superior colour in the ancient and medieval world, but is very expensive. Mohammed Ghassen Nouira makes Tyrian purple using traditional Phoenician methods, with fantastic results. I hope to work with him soon…
Jan 19, 2020 23 tweets 11 min read
It’s time for more #medievalstuffwithcats! I made this zodiac illumination. If you want to know a bit more about the process, read on… ImageImage The zodiac roundels come from the calendar in British Library, Royal MS 1 D X… (note that some of the roundels are not exactly round) ImageImage
Mar 8, 2019 26 tweets 16 min read
Making medieval stuff with cats! This time it’s quills! #medievaltwitter #medievalmanuscripts #quills #heritagecrafts ImageImage 2. Quills were probably used before this - but the earliest reference to them is by Isidore of Seville, from his Etymology in the 7th century. Here he is in the Aberdeen Bestiary, writing with a (surprise!) quill… Image
Jan 18, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
This 12th-century manuscript has instructions on various arts and crafts. The section De imponendo auro has advice on illuminating manuscripts with loose gold leaf (BL, Harley MS 3915, fol. 12r-v)…#illuminatedmanuscripts #medievaltwitter #artsandcrafts It’s from Theophilus’s De diversis artibus, compiled c.1125. This is before gesso was being used, as it instructs to take the clear part of the beaten egg white, and paint it on to the manuscript where the gold is to be applied
Jan 1, 2019 27 tweets 17 min read
Excuse me, Medievals. We made some gesso! #medievaltwitter #heritagecrafts #medievalmanuscripts #catsoftwitter ImageImageImageImage Gesso is the sticky stuff that medieval illuminators used to attach the gold leaf to the parchment. Originally, egg glair or gum arabic was used, which was fine, but very flat. By 13th C, a new chalky mixture was used, raising the gold off the page (BL, Royal MS 1 D X, fol. 3v) Image
Aug 31, 2018 26 tweets 16 min read
Here's a thread about the iron gall ink I have just made. I’m not artistic, crafty or very in tune with nature, but as someone who researches medieval manuscripts, I wanted to experience the process. And surprisingly, so did my cat #heritagecrafts #irongallink #medievaltwitter ImageImageImageImage 2. There is some open ground behind my house, so I went for a forage for some oak galls. I didn't really know if I would be able to recognise what I was looking for, and it took me a while to find any. But, once I had spotted one, I got my eye in ImageImageImage