Sasha Perigo Profile picture
Communications @EBHO_Housing. Former columnist @sfexaminer. Lapsed organizer @DSA_SF. Antifascista siempre. 🌹 she/her
Jan 2, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Just in case anyone is struggling with something similar:

TIL that an inability to metabolize alcohol can be a symptom of #LongCovid.

Here’s a thread about what I learned. 🧵🪡 For the past few months, I’ve been struggling with a lot of pain when I drink alcohol.

I’ve never been a heavy drinker, but these days even half a glass of alcohol will do me in.
Jul 10, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Recalling Chesa Boudin was just the first step of the right’s plan to expand police power in our city.

On Monday, a proposal to MASSIVELY EXPAND police surveillance is before @conniechansf, @AaronPeskin, and @RafaelMandelman at the Rules Committee.

Here’s a thread. 👇 The proposed SFPD surveillance policy would allow cops to live access to people’sRing doorbell cameras and CCTV footage.

SFPD would be allowed to catalog this information indefinitely, and there are no limits on how they can share this data with federal agencies.
May 4, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
I had a really disappointing experience with the owner of Trouble Coffee exposing a vitriolic anti-homeless attitude this morning that I think it's important for me to share.

Bear with me for a moment — this will be a thread. 👇 Since moving to the Outer Sunset, Trouble Coffee has become my favorite coffee shop in the city.

They have anti-fascist arrows on their window and a sign that says "fuck off Nazi scum". While I realize this rings hollow from a for profit business, it always has made me smile.
Feb 15, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Great thread from @Jon_Jacobo.

The “why I left San Francisco” pieces are predominantly written by wealthy people who blame policies that benefit people of color for their negative experiences in SF.

They’re never written by low income Black and brown people who are struggling. Have you ever read a “why I left San Francisco” piece from someone who left for the Central Valley after their family, already doubled up in a tiny apartment, was evicted for the second time?

Who experienced increased racial profiling from police as the city became wealthier?
Sep 15, 2020 15 tweets 11 min read
@h_bash Okay, so I have two thoughts.

I want to address the "this harms the majority of drivers" statement, and then I also have a strong case for why you shouldn't vote for Prop 22 even if you *don't* like AB 5.

(1/n) @h_bash The claim that the majority of drivers don't work the 30 hours a week needed to qualify for benefits and would therefore be uninterested in being classified as employees is misleading.

May 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
With ADHD I have exactly three types of work days:

✔️ Get absolutely nothing done
✔️ Get 4 hours of work done, at a random time of day
✔️ Get 40 hours of work done in 8 hours Whenever I tweet about ADHD, I get a lot of "do I have ADHD?" DMs. It's possible! A lot of people do go undiagnosed into adulthood.

I can't diagnosis you. If you're inquiring seriously, please do more research and contact a doctor.
Nov 9, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Have y’all been following what’s happening with Instacart this week?

The company is retaliating against workers, and it’s really, really bad. I’m going to share what I know in a thread. 👇 Instacart is a grocery delivery service. “Shoppers” are the workers who pick up items at the store and deliver them to customers.

Instacart keeps wages really, really low. A Shopper in Menlo Park says she makes a few hundred a week.…
Mar 26, 2019 21 tweets 5 min read
I'm standing in the back of a workshop on "renovictions" hosted by @TenantsUnionSF and @dsa_sf candidate @DeanPreston!

Do you want me to live tweet as I learn about our tenants rights? "Renoviction" is a term for the eviction of all of a building's tenants on the grounds that a large-scale renovation is planned.

They often start with "temporary move outs." Be very skeptical of this! Very few move outs in San Francisco remain temporary.
Mar 10, 2019 19 tweets 3 min read
A couple years ago, I made the ill-fated decision of briefly dating a startup founder. He just popped up in my social media feed, and I couldn't come up with a better parody of a tech bro if I tried.

Let's laugh at my misfortune; here's a brief thread with the bingo card. ✔️ Sued for wage theft

This man is currently battling a lawsuit for repeatedly missing payroll while encouraging his employees to work "on a volunteer basis" in his first venture as a CEO. *Despite this*, he was hired to be a founder in residence at a new VC firm.