poupy Profile picture
ive been gradually becoming different for a while. July 21 #LongCovid #VInjured #MCAS #MECFS #POTS
Misha 🕵‍♀️ Who's the 6th all-seeing 👁 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
je me suis encore embrouillé avec sos médecins 😭😭😭 la dame j'y vais pcq jsuis a 100-130 bpm allongée depuis 48h, avec état grippal fièvre etc elle me dit "ça a l'air chronique" j'ai dit bah frero je suis malade là. elle prend ma temp: ah oui. bref faut se battre pour tout ici.
Feb 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
i never got sick (in addition) to my vac induced LC in july 21. spent 3 months with flu like symptoms, throat, ear, eyes and sinus issues. but then i got the chronic package with POTS, ME, MCAS but i never caught a cold again. But for the past weeks i feel like i relive the exact same pattern of 2021 (and testing negative for everything) and i don't know what to do. so much pain. can't get rest bc my right side hurts too much (sinus, ear...). again with the resting heart in bed at 90-110.
May 29, 2022 34 tweets 8 min read
the #pfizer vaccine ruined my life 10 months ago and i am not going to shut up about it from now on. i never told my story. i used the #longcovid community to find a place and a voice but this is not the whole picture. let's talk about #VaccineSideEffects and #VaccineInjured ⬇️ my name is poupy, im 24 yo and i am an athlete, runner, hiker, i am a master student, a worker, a daughter, a grandchild, a friend for some. i am a vegan cook, a pianist and a writer. i am full of life, i am healthy, happy, ambitious and adventurous. or should i say I WAS ?