Why are the USA, UK and NATO not talking about THE BUDAPEST MEMORANDUM?
This memorandum was executed and signed between USA, UK and Russia with Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan on 5th December 1994
This was done because USA and UK had convinced Ukraine +2 to denuclearize
At the time Ukraine had a full 1/3rd of the total nuclear arsenal of the then USSR a staggering thousands of nuclear warheads and ICBM missiles .
The Budapest memorandum stipulates that USA and UK would guarantee security/military aid in case Ukraine faced invasion or threats
Aug 16, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
This isnt a Taliban victory, it's the resurgence of Al Qaeda after the killing of Osama bin laden and those who dont understand the difference have learned nothing from history #Afghanistan#TalibanTakeover#America
The Al Qaeda ideology differs majorly from the ISIS in one matter only and that is the Al Qaeda sees the USA as their prime enemy and target followed then by the other non Islamic countries in the world. The ISIS sees everything no wahhabi Sharia as an enemy
Apr 24, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Just putting some facts and figures out there when it comes to this international outcry about #IndiaFightsCOVID19 and #IndiaNeedsOxygen .
The statistics are adjusted to the nearest approximation based on 2019 count but the significance of findings are just as telling
The population figures go like this -
USA - 33.1 Crores
Russia -14.6 Crores
Germany - 8.5 Crores
Turkey - 8.4 Crores
UK - 6.8 Crores
France - 6.5 Crores
Italy - 6.1 Crores
Spain - 4.7 Crores
Poland - 3.8 Crores
Romania - 1.9 Crores
Netherlands - 1.7 Crores
Greece - 1.7 Crores
Feb 7, 2020 • 10 tweets • 7 min read
My thread on the (so called) #Rutgers University students against CAA and Hindutva demonstrations today outside Scott's hall at Rutgers. Note the picture tweeted by @AudreyTruschke the figure and the single raised finger is indicative of the farce that followed
Out of the 66000 students of Rutgers a mere 20 students mainly indian origin girls formed the demonstration. Here are pics of them. Enquiries with the Rutgers administration revealed that they had no knowledge of this demonstration and indeed they distanced themselves from it