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USA Today bestselling author of DEPART, DEPART! and THE FREE PEOPLE’S VILLAGE (& others), occasional enviro journalist, they/them rep:@RebeccaPodos
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Dec 8, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Whenever two authors have similar books coming out around the same time, we’re told that it’s important to celebrate each others’ successes, not pit ourselves against one another. Particularly, authors who share marginalizations shouldn’t tear each other down. 1/ I currently find myself in this position with Alan Dershowitz. We’re both Jewish authors. We’ve both written books on the current situation in Gaza. Both books are shelved as Jewish history, and his comes out next week and mine in a few months. 2/ Image
May 9, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
Oskar Schindler was a Nazi war profiteer who saved 1,200 Jews from concentration camps, which is RELEVANT!!! because his story can teach us a lot about saving people from a genocide. Particularly the parts that Steven Spielberg left out of his film, Schindler's List. 1/🧵 Image And if, like me, you were a Jewish kid in the 90’s, you probably were forced to watched that movie when you were way too young to understand what was happening, so you were just this weird combination of painfully bored and vaguely traumatized. 2/ Image
May 6, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Something I hear a lot is, "It would be easier to speak out on Palestine if I were Jewish." And when this comes from white people, not Palestinians, let me assure you:

No it would not.

1/🧵 You think if you were Jewish, you'd be insulated from charges of anti-Jewish hate, but believe me, you wouldn't! Z-ist Jews have no problem telling us that we are self-hating, Kapos, NZs they hope will die. They even revoke our Jewishness for disagreeing w/them! 2/🧵
May 3, 2024 26 tweets 6 min read
Jewish author here, and for years I've used my social media to teach folks about the history of "antisemitism," but I will not be using that term anymore. And to fully explain why, we need to get clear on the history of the word. 1/🧵 Jews facing hate and violence in Europe is as old as the Roman adoption of Christianity, but the term "antisemitism is far more recent. It was first popularized in the 1860’s by Wilhelm Marr, the original redpilled, alt-right racistbro. 2/🧵 Image
Apr 26, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I’m a Jewish parent of a rising college Freshman, and our family has been proudly antizionist for GENERATIONS. I know my kid will be joining her campus SJP on day one. Do we decide where she should go based on which college arrests and beats peaceful protestors least brutally? 🧵 Standing with Palestine is an inherent part OF our Jewishness. The two are inseparable. And several of the colleges that have accepted her have made it clear they’ll beat her, arrest her, point a sniper rifle at her for her Jewishness, & fulfilling the requirement of Tikkun Olam
Mar 31, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
On this #TransDayOfVisibility I have some happy news:

Over the past week, 2,659 content creators from 43 countries participated in the #TransRightsReadathon. We read & made content about trans books, fundraising for >250 different trans-supporting funds & individuals.🧵 Together, we read >7,800 trans books and raised >$234,000 for trans rights!

At least 2 trans authors who had book releases around the readathon saw their books hit bestseller lists. And many, many trans authors reported their best week of sales since their book releases. 2/
Mar 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I encourage leftists to pay attention to the #TransRightsReadathon campaign, even if you’re not a book person. Decentralized organizing, which empowers people to do something that matches their skills & interests in service of a public good, is catching like wildfire 1/ People everywhere are actually pretty desperate to DO something, anything, that makes the world a better place. When we create a way that they can, whilst tapping into what they’re already good at & interested in? That’s clearly powerful. 2/
Mar 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
🔥important🔥 since authors who’ve written books w/trans MCs, but who’ve not disclosed their gender, are being included on lists of trans authors in the #TransRightsReadathon, and this could lead to forced outing, I suggest opening the guidelines to “trans books” generally 1/ So previously my messaging was “let’s read books by trans authors,” but many lists are including books by authors who don’t self-identify as trans, but write trans characters. So if you’re doing that, just say you’re reading “trans books” or “books with trans rep.” 2/
Mar 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Just throwing out that I would love to see more authors participating in the #TransRightsReadathon! Idk if you’re waiting on an invite? Here it is!!! Trans or cis? slow reader? Can’t afford to donate much? It doesn’t matter! All are welcome to join however they’re able! Because I’m seeing some authors interacting with the hashtag but not throwing their hat in the ring. Maybe you think you’re not allowed bc you’re an author? You’re totally allowed & welcomed!!!
Nov 22, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Last week I made a video thread called “Why do they hate us?”, a brief history of anti-Semitism that went viral on ⏰, and I was overwhelmed by the sheer # of people who commented they had no idea that anti-Semitism goes back millennia or had never heard about Blood Libel🧵 I almost didn’t post the videos because the info seems so obvious to me, but of course that’s because I’m Jewish, and many of us are taught our history through our family. Meanwhile Christians have no clue their history has always been inextricably intertwined w/our genocide. 2/
Oct 28, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
My kid is 5. We're a still-masking family. At the beginning of the year, she was one of about 5 kids in her school still masking, so she told me she was going to stop. I said okay. Then she got sick for a month straight. On her own, she decided to start masking again. 1/ Since she started wearing masks again (kn95s), about three weeks ago, she hasn't been sick. So she told me she's going to keep wearing a mask, because she doesn't like being sick. How can a 5yo figure this out but grown-ups really struggle?? Being sick SUCKS?? Like even colds?!?
Aug 14, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
Let’s talk about how the vast majority of white characters written by white authors are super dishonest when it comes to whiteness. A 🧵. We live in a white supremacist society. Regardless of what they tell you, white people are absolutely aware of their whiteness and their lifetime’s worth of racial biases and understanding of racial power dynamics any time they’re encountering non-white people. HOWEVER… 2/
Jun 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
My disaster-queer, revolutionary punk kids are going to be published!!! This book was born from so much love and grief over all my years of activism in Texas.
THE FREE PEOPLE'S VILLAGE insists there is no climate justice without abolition!
Coming Fall 2023 from @LevineQuerido! Image I am beyond thrilled to work with @capaciousmood as the acquiring editor on this book. Irene is a nonbinary Afrolatine Houstonian, with organizing experience in Houston. Irene knows these neighborhoods and communities, and what Gulf Coast activism is all about.
May 31, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Cultural gatekeers blew it in the first two years of the pandemic by largely refusing to fictionalize our experiences. Whether folks were “in the mood” or not, we had an opportunity to use fiction to help win the culture war around masking and ethical pandemic behavior. 🧵 We could have rapidly pushed out TV shows, movies, books, reflecting our pandemic experiences, creating a cultural ethos around taking care of each other, exploring shifting boundaries around morality and safety, and showing the danger of betraying those measures. 2/
Mar 9, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
Spouse & I have been married 9 years today, and he's still my BFF, so here's some unsolicited marital advice for whoever wants it: 🧵 -Recognize the lil things you do for the fam & thank each other VERBALLY every time, even if it's repetitive. "Thanks for cooking/doing laundry/etc. Say thanks to each other EVERY DAY. (And you gotta do something helpful every day too, unless it's a real bad day)
Mar 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Voted for Biden for harm reduction, but I live in Texas and am still feeling extremely fucking harmed. The GOP has increased their attacks on voting rights, trans people, and truth. Biden wants to increase police budgets and give up on dealing w/ COVID. No plan for climate change or stopping the far right besides scooting out of the way of the Overton window before it hits them.
Feb 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Bad news for the “back to normal” people: COVID aside, “normal” is rapidly destroying the habitability of Earth, and the extent of systemic change that needs to happen to save you from facing catastrophic climate change in your lifetime is WAY more intense than wearing a mask. Everything about our lifestyles needs to change, from how we grow food, move people around, organize cities, power society, what we consume, and how we elect leaders, or your “normal” in 20-30 years is going to involve more catastrophe & mass death that you can probably imagine.
Feb 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Valero plant reports “flaring.” I’ve never seen that much smoke from flaring.
#houston #houstonfire #houstonsmoke @KHOU @abc13houston @LinaHidalgoTX Image An industrial accident near my house, a screw in my tire, and a sick kid, this is one hell of a Monday
Feb 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Name an anti-capitalist picture book @haymarketbooks when are you starting up a picture book division?
Jan 22, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I first learned of Thich Nhat Hanh in 2016, during a weeks-long insomnia brought on by the election. My go-to anxiety-coping-mechanism, drinking, was not available because I was pregnant. I was watching ASMR to try to fall asleep, when I came across one of his guided meditations/ That video had a profound, calming effect on me. At that point, I don't think I had ever, in my adult life, fully inhabited the present moment. Not sober. I could get there stoned, but not on my own. In fact, I'd never really understood what people meant by "being present" /
Jan 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
For those arguing that this isn’t a thing, consider that even though Don’t Look Up was supposedly a blistering satire about COVID and/or climate change, it mentioned neither COVID nor climate change. Naming a few best-selling authors as exceptions is not the dunk you think it is. I know there are exceptions and clifi gets published sometimes—my whole career is an exception. And I’ve also run into many publishing professionals who will point blank tell you “don’t write this.”